Chapter 17

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"So your staying?" Simon asked, looking up at me as he sat on my bed. I nodded and starting unpacking my things. Again. I saw Simon smile at me. I love his smile, it's so adorable. It always finds a way to make me smile too.

As I was unpacking, I saw a pair of hands enter my bag.
"What you doing?" I turned around to see Simon right behind me reaching in my bag.

"Helping you out," he blushed, making me smile. Luckily he pulled out my make up, I mean it could've been worse.

Turns out he didn't help me out at all, he just put everything I had in my makeup bag on to make me laugh. He was currently filling in his eyebrows. I started giggling whilst walking forward and backwards down my room.

"Urggg! Why can't I get them even without looking huge?!" He groaned looking in my mirror.

"It takes a lot of practise mate."

"But I've been doing it for ages now why won't it work!" Simon grunted. I laughed at his little tantrum, it's so entertaining to watch. He looked up at me with pleading eyes. His blue eyes. They are perfect. He is perfect.

"Alright fine, come here," I chuckled rolling my eyes. I sat on Simon's lap and took the brow pencil from his hands. At this point I decided wether I should do them properly or make them look like slugs.

Mmmm decisions.

Eventually, I decided to do them properly. They looked pretty decent, better then mine anyway.

"Simon stay still!" I was now doing his eyeliner. I don't even know why we were doing this in the first place. What a weird friendship we have.

Are we even friends? Or are we more? He hasn't asked me yet so what does that mean?

"I am! Ow!!" Simon flinched. I grabbed his face.

"Stop moaning. It's really not that bad stop being a pussy!"

"How I'm I being a pussy? This hurts!"

"It really doesn't Simon."

"Okay let me do it for you then Layla," Simon smirked. Haah no way I was letting him fuck up my make up. It takes me forever to do it in the mornings.

"No dream on." Instantly, Simon snatched the liquid eyeliner from my hand and cupped my face.

"Close your eyes."

"No," I smirked.

"Close your eyes Laylie."

"Laylie?" I laughed.

When we first met, he called me that. He's never called me it since. He really only says it when he wants something.

"Close your eyes."

"Make me," I whispered. Big mistake. Simon put the eyeliner lid in his mouth and grabbed my waist. He picked me up and threw me on to the bed. He pinned me down. I had no control, even over my laughter. I was generally wetting myself.

"Ooo I'm so scared," I snorted with sarcasm. Simon smirked. He let go of my arms and started tickling me. Noooo. I'm actually so ticklish it's unreal.

"S...t....o....p!!" we laughed.


"Say I'm better then you." I shook my head. No way was I saying that. I'm not giving in that easily. Once I shook my head, he started tickling me more around my body. I screamed and tried to defend myself but it didn't work.

"Say it!"

"Your....b....e....t...ter," I blurted out.

"I'm better then who?" If I wasn't being tickled right now, I'd so slap him. Cheely buggar.


"Sorry what I can't understand you."


After that, he finally packed it in. He was still on top of me though, sitting on my lap.

"I hate you." I said brushing my top.

"Really?" Simon said moving closer about to tickle me again. Instead I pulled his arms so he was now laying on me.

"Yes." I whispered, pulling him into a kiss. His lips were so soft and warm.

The our kiss got heated very quickly. Tongues were now involved now. He lifted his hands up my top as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I could do this all day. I'm kissing someone I'm in love with. But is he in love with me? Or is he just using me for my body?

I broke away from the kiss to see Simon frowning.

"What's up?" He asked concerned.

"What am I to you?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

I sighed. "Well we were like best friends before last night now I'm confused what are we now?" Simon closed his eyes and exhaled. This doesn't seem too good. I was still stuck under Simon so there was no way out.

"Honestly, I don't really know."

"What do you mean you don't know? Are you using me?"

"What? No course not Layla!"

"Then where do I stand with you?"

"I like it being Unknown." He said pulling in for another kiss. I pushed him away.

"No Simon. I need to know."

"Can I show you later? I'll do it properly I promise, just wear something nice."

"Why?" I frowned. I wanted to know now.

"Stop being stubborn and have patience. Be ready for 5," he said, pecking me on the lips. He got of me and walked away.

"Oh and don't mention this to anyone," he said and left my room. I frowned to myself. What?

What just happened?

Hey guys!!

Hope you enjoyed hehe! Vote if you did, much appreciated!!

Also thank you for over 60 votes and 700 reads, that's insane!! Ahhh!

Also do you like the new cover?! It took me forever to come up with a final one. I have like 6 in my draft lololololol.

Lots of love,

Ella Xxx

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