Chapter 6

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After I got fully changed, I returned to my phone. Simon was still sitting there staring. Wow this is gonna be so awkward. I turned my camera around so he could see my face. Immediately he snapped out of his gaze and looked at me. We sat there looking at each other for 5 minutes. Eventually he smirked.

"Well looks like I got what I wanted," he spoke, still smirking. I didn't really know what to say so I just laughed a bit.

"Layla I was kidding."

"I know."
"so..." He trailed off. I didn't know what to say. Seems like it's me making it awkward.

"I am so sorry," I whispered finally getting some words out of my mouth.

"It's fine honestly, it's not your fault your phone moved," he said calmly. He does seem very placid about this. Does that mean he didn't mind? Does that mean he could like me back? No he doesn't I'm just being paranoid.

I don't like him, I can't, he's older then me.

My thoughts must've been long because Simon coughed.
"Well this is a awkward FaceTime," he chuckled. I just laughed. I was too embarrassed to speak now. However, I think he must've figured it out because he pulled that cute look where his eyes get bigger and does that adorable smile that gives me butterflies.

No I can't stop thinking like this.

"L there's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's fine honestly. If you want me to be honest you have a nice figure," he beamed pulling an adorable grin. I blushed and smiled back at him.

"Aw thank you. I just feel so embarrassed though," I replied still blushing.

"Aw Layla," he drooped, "If it makes you better, I'll take my shirt off, by accident," he winked. I chuckled. I nodded as why not. Anything to see Simon Minter shirtless. Oh my I sound obsessed.

He began to lift up his top as he got out of his chair. Oh my days he was serious! He must know I like him now! No I don't like him. Urggggg.

As he was lifting it up, my heart fluttered. There was everything. A full 6 pack with a V line. Wow he looked good. He took off his top and threw it onto his bed. What a sexy motherfucker. I sat there and stared.

"You should've played some music when I was taking it off," he chucked. I was still staring, I couldn't help it. He's perfect. He just seems so good. So rare to find. So perfect.

"Layla, I know I'm attractive but come on..." I blinked out of my stare and blushed.

"Oopsie," I joked, "Yeah it should've been Jj's keep up." Instantly he burst out laughing. I hate making jokes about Jj's rapping but this one was coming.

"Jj would love you say that," he said still laughing.

"Good thing I'm not there," I giggled, although I wish I was.

"Where do you live Layla?"

"Near London," I shrugged. We've been over this like millions of times.

"Where abouts?" Okay what's his game now.


"Where in Romford?"

"24 B**** Road...."

"Okay I'm coming to pick you up at 10am tomorrow be ready." My heart stopped. I can't meet Simon!

"I have school though..."

"Fake a sicky. Come on Laya it will be fun! A whole day with me..." He winked. I laughed. Well all my revision is up to my head so one day wouldn't bite really?

"Pleaseeeeeee," Simon begged. I shrugged my shoulders. Why the hell not?

"Okay!" I screeched.

"Yaaaay!" Simon shouted. We both laughed.

"Layla dinner!!" My mum shouted from downstairs. I think Simon could've heard it was that loud!

"I have to go."

"Okay that's fine,I've gotta make a video now anyway. So I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yes yes you will." I smiled before saying bye and ending it.

Oh my god

I'm meeting Simon Minter tomorrow!!!

Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's abit boring I know, but it will get better!

Can you do me a favour if you have some time?

Can you read my other story "Your my shining star." It's a Ezra Fitz love story.

Thank you!

Lots of love,

Ella x

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