Chapter 3

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After recovering from my fan girl moment over that Simon gave me his number (even though I've only known about him for around 10 minutes), I went downstairs to see my mum. I didn't text Simon just yet as I don't want to seem too desperate. I jogged down the stairs to see my mum taking something out of her coat pocket.

"Hi mum!" I smiled as she looked up from me. For a single mum at 40, she didn't look to bad for her age. She still looked 25. Not a wrinkle or grey hair in sight.

"Hiya darlin how was school?" She said her blue eyes glistening at my face. I'm so pleased I inherited her eyes, my favourite colour is blue and my eyes are very blue. I don't like appearance at all, but I do like my eyes. I'm not arrogant I promise.

"Meh same old same old. Where have you been?" My mum went quite for a few seconds and the smile wiped of her face. Eventually, she spoke up.

"Err...I've been to see you dad," she said quietly whilst I frowned, "He's not having you this weekend as he is going out." I sighed. What a surprise. My parents split up when I was little and I try and make an effort with my dad but he just throws it back in my face. He's more into booze then his kid.

"Layla I'm sorry hun," I looked up at her confused. Why was she saying sorry?

"Mum it's fine, it's not your fault. It just gives me more time to revise," I said firmly, giving her a hug. After I let go, I told her I was going back upstairs to revise and finish off some bits in my room.

Once I arrived, I got my iPhone from my bed and begun to text Simon. I was typing and typing stuff to him without sending but then deleted it because I wasn't happy with it. About 5 minutes later I decided to finally sent a text to him.

To Simon:

Hiya it's Layla! You know the girl from Omegle... Hope your not perving on anyone else now otherwise you will get into trouble! ;) x

I sighed in relief after I sent it. One kiss doesn't make me sound to desperate right?!

A few seconds later, my text alert went off, I quickly pressed on the message to see his reply.

From Simon:

Hey Layla, glad you messaged me thought you was avoiding me haha ;) Can you do me a favour and keep my number quiet? I don't want everyone knowing my number otherwise it will be chaos. Wow lol, I'm not I came off it after I ended it with you, don't think so low of me!

He's just so cheeky. My mouth dropped when he asked me to keep his number quiet. Does this mean he doesn't give his number out a lot? Am I that trustful to him? No I'm probably overreacting. I smiled at his reply and begun texting again.

To Simon:

You should be lucky I even messaged you after what you said to me ;) Okay I won't promise. Why did you give me your number? Do you give it out a lot then?x

I sent the message and waited. Waited and waited. Thoughts flew my mind of why he gave me his number. Was he chatting me up and wanted to go further? No he hardly knows me. Stop being so paranoid Layla. A few minutes later bæ replied.

From Simon:

Yeah yeah I'm must be irresistible to you then hehe. Oh urm no I don't give out my number a lot. I hardly do tbh. I gave you my number because you seem like a really nice, pretty girl. I need a girl that's a friend as I need someone to rely on. I mean the guys are cool but it would be nice to have a girl best friend I can tell anyone too. How old are you btw?x

I was instantly shocked from that message. Simon wants to be friends!! My heart started thumping so loud my mum could probably hear it and she was downstairs!

Bit of a age. I'm only 16 and he's like 23, bit of a problem? I hope not. I begun text him back wondering if I should mention my age or not.

To Simon:

Awh thank you, that is very sweet of you. I feel special lol. Yeah I'm always here when there's a problem - I'm always here for my other friends so I'm good at it haha. Oh I'm 17...what about you...?xx

After seeming like forever of deciding to send or not, I finally sent it. I felt like I was gonna cry. What if we couldn't be friends because of my age? I froze when I heard my text alert go off. Do I really want to be upsetted? Enough tears go on my dad already, not another guy...

I unlocked my phone and begun to read the message....

Hey guys!!

Sorry to leave it on a cliffhanger! I hope your enjoying this story as I only wrote it for fun but many seem to like it. Thank you a lot!!

I will try and update as much as possible but I have revision myself to do but I shouldn't forget!!

Lots of love,

Ella x

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