Visit to Kyle's house

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Kyle's phone was ringing off the hook. Fifty-nine missed calls, thirty-three voicemails, and seventy-four ignored text messages. All being from worried Stan, Kenny, and Butters, except for two harassing texts from Cartmen.

After Kyle made it to the bathroom he broke, he cried his eyes out.

He had been waiting for six years for this to happen, for Stan to wake up and leave Wendy. He was so happy last night when he got Stan's text saying, -I just broke up with Wendy.- He literally cheered and started dancing around his room, then he hopped on his bed and started bouncing around. He realizes he should probably respond, he let his body fall onto the bed and took a deep breath. 'How do I respond to this without sounding super happy about it?' he asked himself.

-Oh, are you okay?- he asked even though he knew Stan probably was since he broke up with her, but then again they were together for a very long time so this is probably a big change for his handsome friend.

-Yeah, I'm fine. Actually I'm great.-

-That's great man. Why'd you decide to break up with her though?- Kyle was kinda hoping Stan would reply something like, 'so I could be with you' but he knew that was way too much to expect from jock boy Stanley Marsh.

-I was just so done with always fighting with her and dealing with her drama and gossiping and crap.-

-That's understandable, sounds very irritating.-

-It was, I'm so happy I'm done with that. This is the best I felt in awhile actually.-

-I'm happy for you, wasn't going to say anything but Wendy's kinda a bitch.-

-That she is-

-Is it weird I kinda get the feeling that she has the hots for Cartmen?-

-Eww, but no, I kinda think she might actually-

-Gross dude-

-Yeah, do you wanna do something this Thursday?-

-Like what?-

-Maybe go see a movie or we could just go get something to eat together, or both.-

-Sure sounds fun-

-Promise me?- Stan asked and Kyle did sideways face to

-Why do I need to promise you? I already agreed-

-Just promise me dude.-

-eh okay whatever, I promise-

-Great, I'm tired so ill talk to you tomorrow.-

-oh okay, night.-

-Goodnight, sleep tight Kyle :)- The red head's cheeks went up in flames and a smile came to his lips.

-You too Stan :)- Kyle pugged his phone up of its charge and cuddled into his blankets.

When he is in the dirty boys bathroom with red and puffy eyes and a raw runny nose, he realizes he's wanting nothing more than to be cuddled up into the blankets on his bed. He make the decision that that is exactly what he's going to do.

He heard the bell ring alerting him that second period had began, knowing that no one would be in the hallways, he leaves the bathroom and heads to his locker. Kyle grabs his backpack and headphones and heads for the side exit. He quietly steps, plugs his earbuds into his phone , puts then into his ear and starts his journey home.

Now here he is, exactly where he wants to be, at home alone, in his blankets wallowing in all his sadness. His dad is at work, his mom is visiting there aunt out of town and Ike is at a friend's house.

He hears the doorbell ring, 'who the hell could that be? Eh it better not be Stan' He is obviously in no mood to see him, mostly because he is so in love with the boy he'd probably turn over and forgive him with the smallest apology given from the guy. His brain was already trying to make excuses for Stan's actions.

He pushes himself off his lazy ass and walks to the door, looks through the peephole and see Kenny and Butters there. He really wasn't expecting it to be them.

He opens the door and a slight chill rushes in. He see both of his friends standing there smiling with sympathy in their eyes.

"Hi guys." Kyle says

"Oh my god Kyle, you look awful." Kenny just blurts out and Butters elbows him in the ribs. "Ow what the hell?"

"Sorry Ky, Kenny's being dumb, What he meant to say is are you okay?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"Butters knows."

"Why'd you tell him?"

"Wendy saw it too and has started spreading it around."

"Oh great." Kyle lets out a sigh. "Why does drama always have to spread?" He said to mostly himself.

"I know high school's a bitch." Ken said and Kyle nodded in agreement, then gestured for them to come on in. Kenny and Butters sat on the couch and looked worriedly at their hurt friend.

"Kyle are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Jezz, do I look that bad?"

"Yeah." Ken said right out, butters glared at him "I mean I'm not trying to be rude or mean but you look a wreck Kyle. You look like you've been punch in the face, you look like you've had your heart broken." Tear again begin to form in the corners of the green eyes of the cute ginger. Kyle knew it was true, but that didn't he wanted to hear the truth.

"That's kinda harsh Ken." The innocent blond says.

"I'm sorry but please talk to us Kyle."

"Ehh, of course I'm not okay, the guy I've been in love with for like ever finally broke up with his evil girlfriend, but instead of getting together with me he got together with a different guy!" Tears started streaming down his cheeks and both his friends stood and wrapped their arms around him. They saw Kyle crumble a little but they knew him getting all this out of his system would help a lot.

They were both quiet for awhile but when the sobbing stopped they loosened there hug around him.

"Do you feeling any better? Be honest." Kenny says.

"Yeah actually I do."

"That's good." Butters said smiling.

"Now, lets look at the positives." Ky gave Ken a face like 'What positives?' "We don't actually know if Stan and Tweek are together. I saw Tweek kiss him on the cheek but it could have just been a fluck or something."

"That's right!" Butters said nodding enthusiastically.

"Why would he let Tweek kiss him if they weren't together?"

"I don't know but I could still be just a misunderstanding. Maybe you should talk to Stan about it."

"But I don't want to talk to Stan."

"But what if it really is just a fluck, what if Stan really does love you?" Butters suggests, Kyle's eyes widen at the thought.

"You should call him."


"Come on, Ky."

"No, I'll just talk to him tomorrow at school."

"Eh okay, just make sure to really do it."

"Okay, I will." Kyle rolls his eyes. "You guys should probably get going. My mom will be home soon and she said not to have anyone over." His friends nodded their heads understandingly. "Thanks for coming and checking on me though."

"You're Welcome Kyle." Butters gives him a hug and Kenny pats him on the head to annoy him but Kyle just shakes his head and smirks at him.

Kenny and Butters leave and Kyle curls up on the couch with a soft blanket and slips in a "Games of Throne" disc.

He doesn't even get to watch one episode before he falls asleep and begins having sweet dreams about his tall, muscular friend raven haired super best friends, who he hoped was soon to be something more.

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