Explaining the Craig Situation

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Stan goes to the bathroom before leaving school. He throws some water on his face then wipes it clean with a paper towel.

Stan had been trying to reach Kyle all day, he hasn't been able to find him so he assumes he's left.

When he first walked into first period he was confused to see his Kyle breaking in front of him. He couldn't get him to tell him what was wrong but then it clicked that somehow the new of his "Relationship" with Tweek had made it to him before he was able to tell him it was fake.

He felt weird about it all, he'd been asked at least 40 time today if he was dating Tweek and he had to say 'yes' every single time to keep up appearances. If someone suspected they weren't going out and told Craig, then his plan to make him jealous would be ruined. He also had to deal with the kiss on the cheek this morning and holding Tweek's hand in the hall. -Side note it was probably for the best that Kyle went home early...

He'd called Kyle 36 times and counting trying to get ahold of him to set the record straight, but he was ignoring his calls.

Stan really wanted to just go to Kyle's and explain it to him, but he knew if he did that Kyle probably wouldn't even answer the door. His assumption was very correct. It was probably best he wait and talk to him tomorrow.

Stan looked at himself in the mirror and sighed, he left the restroom and made with way to the back exit the lead to the student parking lot. He noticed that Tweek Tweak was standing at the exit looking as if he was waiting on someone.

"Hey Tweek, who are you waiting on?" He asked.

"You actually." He answers simply.

"Me? Why?"

"I said I'd explain all this to you didn't I?"

"Oh yeah, you did. Sorry I forgot, my heads been someplace else." Tweek nods.

"Um so you didn't tell Kyle?"

"How'd you know?"

"He disappeared."

"Oh yeah, I guess someone told him we were together before I got a chance to explain it wasn't real."

"Aw, I'm sorry Stan."

"For what?"

"Causing all this trouble for you, its just it was the only way I could think to have an actual, real relationship with Craig."

"Its okay, but what do you mean "real", I though you and Craig had a real relationship?"

"Its a long story." Tweek frowns.

"Do wanna come over to my place and explain?" Stan asked, offering a kind smile.

"Sure." It brought a smile to Tweek's lips too.

When they reach the Marsh residence it empty, Randy is a work, Sharon is hanging out with Linda Stotch, and Shelly is away at college. Stan offers Tweek something to drink but he say 'no thank you', Stan takes that as a cue that his friend just wants to jump into telling the story. So they sit down on the living room floor and Tweek begins to explain.

When Tweek and Craig were in elementary school and those Asian girls started drawing pictures of them together everyone kinda just assumed they were together and it made them almost hate each other. They broke up in font of everyone so they would see they weren't together anymore. However this somehow made the whole town depressed and loose hope, they ignored it till Craig's dad told him he was proud of him and that he 'liked gay Craig'. They got back together, but it still wasn't real. This went on for forever but their fake dating really just meant hanging out more and holding hand in public. This is until they went to a party freshman year and kissed each other on a dare, they really liked it and kept doing it even in private but it sorta turned in to more making out and dry humping. At the beginning of their Junior year (this year) they went to another party and got really drunk and took each others virginities. By this time Tweek had been in love with Craig for awhile, and assumed Craig felt the same way or was starting to. He was so happy they'd done it and thought this may mean they were an actual couple now. However Craig told him it meant nothing and the only reason he'd fucked him last night was because he was horny and he was the only piece of ass around. This hurt Tweek a lot but it hurt even worse when Craig started ignoring him in public and in private. Then about a week later Wendy told him Bebe had slept with his boyfriend, Tweek asked him if it was true and he didn't even try to deny it. That was the last straw for Tweek he told Craig he was done with their fake relationship and never wanted anything to do with him again. Even though Craig had been pushing him away he looked shocked by this but Tweek just left.

He formulated a plan that he would begin a fake relationship with Craig's biggest enemy, make him extremely jealous so that he'd realize how much he love Tweek and would hopefully come after him and try to get him back.

It was going well so far he'd gotten like a million calls from Craig that ignored and the had a conversation before Tweek went and met Stan.

"You're not seriously dating Stan Marsh are you?" Craig asked.

"Of course I am, he's very handsome and kind."

"Hmm... You would date a dumb jock boy like him."

"I dated you, oh well I guess I technically didn't."

"We did date, and you know it."

"Oh now you want to admit we were together for real, eh just leave me Craig. You've hurt me enough, don't you think?" Then he just walked away and waited by the back exit for his new fake boyfriend that he didn't love.

"I'm sorry Craig put you through all that Tweek." Stan said giving he teary eyed friend a comforting hug.

"Its okay," Tweek sniffled. "I know things will get better. You should have seen how sad Craig looked today, although I don't like seeing him that way, I know it mean he misses me."

"I'm sure he does. The way he looked at you when you guys were 'fake dating', like you were the most important thing in his world." Tweek twitched and smiled.

"Thanks Stan, I should head home though." He said and stood up.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." Stan stood too and walked him to the door and opened it for Tweek.

"Bye." and with that they waved goodbye and the nervous blond left.

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