Seeing Stan

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Kyle had gotten a wonderful nights sleep. He doesn't really remember what he dreamed about but he woke up warm and cozy, and with a boner.

He got up from the couch that he slept on, he was surprised his mother didn't wake him up and tell him to go to his bed room last night. He walked to the bathroom and turn the shower on to heat the water.

He looked in the mirror, his eyes weren't really puffy or red anymore but you could sorta tell he'd been crying. He ran his fingers through his untamed red curls thoughtfully. 'Eh I have to talk to Stan today... I really don't want to, but Butters is right, this could all just be a misunderstanding.' He grabbed a towel from under the sink and sat it on the toilet. 'But honestly, even if it isn't a misunderstanding I really shouldn't be so upset. Me and Stan weren't together and he didn't make any promises to me that we'd ever be together. But I don't know if I can deal with him dating another guy...' Kyle started removing his wrinkled pajamas. 'If him and Tweek are together, I don't think me and Stan can be friends anymore, I would be able to deal with seeing them together. Watching them hug, kiss and cuddle each other in the halls would kill me.' He checked the temperature and sighed, 'Eh forget about it Kyle, you'll deal with this when you get to school, for now just enjoy your shower and try not to think about it.' Kyle thought to himself, in third person for some reason.

He stepped into the shower and a shiver ran through him as the warm water came into contact with his cold body. Kyle quickly took care of his erection, that he somehow still had even about thinking about such sad, mood killing topics.

When Kyle finished his shower he got ready and didn't have anything else to do, he really doesn't wan to go to school today though. He just headed to the bus stop. No one rode the bus with him anymore, Stan drove his self, Kenny walks, and Cartman claims he drives but they all know that his mom actually drives him.

Kyle pushes his green earbuds in his ears as the bus pulls up and gets on hesitantly. 'Eh Thursdays suck, I have to spend all of today and tomorrow in this shithole.' He the last stop so its not long till they've made it to South Park High. He told Kenny and Butters that he WOULD try talking to Stan, so that's what he goes to do.

He goes to the spot were Stan usually stands in the morning but he surprised to see he's not there, Kyle assumes that means he's in the cafeteria eating lots of nasty school breakfast foods. He rolls his eyes and starts heading there. As he walks he pull his rather long sleeves down so that they cover most of his cold hands.

When Kyle enters the café he notices that there's a lot of people huddled around a corner in the back, 'must be a fight or some other stupid drama.' He doesn't see Stan sitting at any of the tables so he assumes he's part of the huddle. Stan is no where to be seen in the crowd of people, then Kyle finally looks at what these weirdoes are looking at.

Its not a fight at all there all just watching three people have a conversation, he moves closer to the front to see better, he realizes one of them is Craig. The other two have their backs turned and Kyle for some reason focuses in on the shorter one first. The shorty has erratic blond hair that's going every which way and seems to be trembling like a Chihuahua, he quickly sees it Tweek, and his fingers are entwined with tall guy next to him. Kyle doesn't even have to really look at him to see its Stan. Ky's head falls.

'Stan must be showing Craig that Tweek is now his...' The red head can feel the tears coming back. He peeks up at them and notices Craig staring at him with a smirk that makes Kyle feel uneasy.

Craig says something that Kyle can't comprehend in his state, but it makes him look to Stan, who is now looking at him with a worried and somewhat sad expression. Stan jerks his hand away from Tweek and starts walking towards him.

'He's gonna say it...' Kyle doesn't want to hear it, he doesn't want to hear Stan say he's with Tweek, even though its apparent to Kyle that he is.

Kyle stars running, he starts running as fast and hard as he can.

"KYLE!" He hears Stan scream but he darts out of the lunch room. Stan continues to follow Kyle, yelling his name and for him to please stop, he's a lot faster runner than Kyle is so he begins to close in on him. Then suddenly Kyle rushes into an empty classroom and slams the door in Stan's face.

Kyle thought for sure that that would make him leave him alone but quickly recovered from his throbbing nose and forehead and began pounding on the door.

"Kyle please open the door!"

"No, leave me alone Stan!"

"Please let me explain!"

"I don't want to hear it!"

"Please open up." Stan started trying to turn the doorknob, but no luck, Kyle locked it.


"Please Kyle!"

"STAN! Stop leave me alone!"

".....Fine I'll leave you alone for the rest of the school day,"

"Great, thank you."

"But only if you promise you'll keep the promise you made me."

"What promise?"

"That we'd do something tonight, you promised Kyle."

"... Ehh, fine whatever, what the hell are we doing?"

"Umm, meet me at T.G.I.Fridays tonight, k?"

"Whatever now please go away, like you said you would."

Stan nodded his head silently and did as he was told.

He wasn't really sure if he should be happy or sad. He was happy that Kyle agreed to meet him, it would hive him a chance to explain what's been going on with Tweek and make things better. However he was sad about how distressed all this had made Kyle. This wasn't fair to his cute ginger friend, Kyle deserved better after everything Stan had put him through with Wendy.

You see Stan wants to be with Kyle as much as Kyle wants to be with him, the only thing that's been stopping him is the judgement he's worried they'll get from their family, friends and community. Wendy was kinda his security blanket in the situation, his 'see I'm straight' card, he thought can't be in love with Kyle if I have a girlfriend.

However now she's gone and Stan's grown up some. Now if this situation hasn't ruined his chances, he really does want to be together with his super bestfriend.

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