Chapter 10 - Destiny

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Hayden is waiting for my by his car. He tosses his keys from one hand to the next idly. When he sees me walk out of the house he grins up at me and begins making kissy sounds with his mouth.

"Ugh!" I cry out, absolutely annoyed. He just won't let it go. I thought that he would stop with it by now, but it's obvious that it is going to continue for another hour or so. I bend down and pick up a small rock at my foot and launch it at him. It hits him in the chest and he grasps the spot and then doubles over, pretending that he's wounded.

"I've been hit! Help! Save me!" He cries out.

"Don't be such a baby," I say.

Hayden straightens up and laughs. Then he begins to make kissy sounds again.

I shout at him, "All I did was bring him home!"

"Mmm hmm..."

"Fine," I snap, "think whatever you makes you happy. I'm not going to stand up here arguing with you, because this is just plain stupid and a waste of my time."

"Okay," Hayden says cheerfully.

"Happy now?"

"Very much, yes."

I sigh out loud and then slip inside of the car.


Last night's events play back in my mind as the car rolls down the road towards the school. I don't even know why I gave in to go to the party. But, I know one thing for certain: it's the last time I'm ever letting Hayden talk me into anything.

As I sit down on the couch next to Hayden at Ty's party another drink is pushed into my hand, and once again I have no idea who put it there. I decide to hold this one instead of placing it on the table next to the six others which are untouched. If I have something in my hand then maybe no one will force a drink into it. I hear a roar of laughter and turn to watch Hayden, who's laughing so hard that he's crying. I follow his gaze to see what's so funny that brought him to tears. It's the live stand-up comedy in front of us. And no, these are not professional stand-up comedians if you were curious. They are none other than 'Nico The Great' and his 'Amazing, Wonderful, Magnificent, Incredible Assistant Matthews.' Those were Nico's exact words. And they wouldn't stand to be called anything else. They sounded more like magicians to me than stand-up comedians. But if I mentioned that to them I bet they would begin to ask people for a rabbit and a top hat to perform a trick. Oh, and did I forget to mention that the stage - if it could even be called that - is a plastic folding table. I can see it shake and wobble all the time, and I'm just waiting for the table's legs to give away and for them to both fall on the ground in a heap.

Hayden slaps my arm hard while he laughs and I pull my arm away and place it on my lap and give him a dirty look. "That hurt," I complain. But, he doesn't hear me over the roar of laughter.

"Uh oh," calls Nico from the table. "Blue Eyes doesn't look too happy over there."

Blue Eyes?

Some people turn to look at me and the mystery of Blue Eyes is solved. It's me. Goodie.

"No, she doesn't," Matthews agrees and tips his head back to take a drink. He pulls the bottle back, shakes it and frowns at the bottle. Then, he turns the bottle upside down and shakes it again. When he sees that no liquid leaks out his frown deepens and he tosses the bottle aside.

Like he needs more alcohol in his system.

"Blue Eyes! Come! I need you," drunk Matthews yells from the table.

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