Chapter 15 - Matthews

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We talked for hours and played for longer until the sun began to set and outside got a bit chilly.

"I think I should begin heading home," Destiny says.

I toss her the football and pick up the football kicking tee from the ground. I scan the parking lot but see no other car there but mine.

"Where's your car?"

"I jogged over here."

"You jogged? Well, you aren't jogging back," I say and then grab the football out of her hands which I just  gave her not more than a few seconds ago.  She looks at her empty hands surprised and the looks up at me.

"Hey!" She exclaims and then tries to grab the football back.

I hold the football above my head and she jumps to try to get in. Sometimes it pays being tall. "You're coming with me."

"Bossy much?" She says and then crosses her arms over her chest.

I grab her water bottle too, deciding that if I have as much of her stuff as possible she'll come with me. "It's going to get dark soon and I don't want you wandering the streets all alone. You could get mugged or something." Even though I give her a reasonable explanation as to why I don't want her jogging home the real explanation as to why I want to give her a ride is because I want to spend some more time with her. Playing with her made all thoughts of my Dad and Lizzie vanish. Now those thoughts are coming back because of the impending thought of her leaving.

"Mugged? Really? And what would they mug? My football and its kicking tee?" She says sarcastically.

"Why are you being so difficult? Just accept the ride."

She looks at me uncertainly.

"If you're worried that I'll mug you I promise you right now that that is not going to be the case."

She looks at all her stuff in my hand. "Well, if it was the case I'd say that you succeeded tremendously."

I reach Destiny's gym back and dump all her things into it. I fish my keys out of the small pocket at the front. Destiny let me put them in there because I had no pockets on me. I sling the bag onto my shoulder and signal for Destiny to follow me.

I unlock my car and pop open the trunk, toss in her gym bag and close it. Destiny is already sitting in the passenger seat when I reach my door. I climb in the car, start it, then shift my gear into drive and reverse out of the parking spot. Destiny tells me the address to her house and I follow her directions whenever she tells me to turn. Truthfully, I already know where I'm going but I don't tell her that. I enjoy her company - I enjoy hearing her talk. I've driven Hayden home more times than I can count so the directions to Hayden's house is engraved in my memory.  A few minutes away from the house my phone begins ringing. Destiny stares at it from her seat in the cup holder. I chance a glance at it, but the screen is facing away from me so I can't see who it is.

"It's your Father," Destiny says.

I bite my lip, deciding whether I should get Destiny answer my phone or not because I don't want to answer it and get caught by the cops for driving and talking on my cell. I know that if the phone is left unanswered Dad would complain to me as to why I didn't answer the call from him and then take away my phone from me saying that it's not getting used by me so he might as well take it and put it to use himself. Though, if I get Destiny to answer it I have no idea what state of mind he will be in at the moment and what garbage he'll spew to her about me.

I chance it and tell Destiny to answer it. If she begins making strange faces then I will know that my Dad is talking rubbish and tell her to hang up on him immediately.

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