Chapter 27 - Matthews

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I wanted to go after Destiny as soon as I heard what Jasmine had said. But, Jasmine convinced me to wait. 

She told me, "What would be better? To run after Destiny with a well-formulated plan to win her back, or to run after her dimwittedly with no thought as to what you are going to say to her?"

Choice number one sounded better. So, I sat at home thinking. Formulating. And putting together a plan that was for sure going to win her back.

Jasmine promised to help me out, and I accepted her help graciously. I called Nico and some team members and asked them to help me out too. They agreed to and laughed over me being whipped. I didn't deny what they said.  They were right, it was the truth, and I didn't care.

I'm not going to school today. I have to stay at home since this is step one in my Win-Destiny-Back-Plan. I just hope that it works. 

Before Jasmine walks out the door for school I give her two slips of paper and say, "You know what to do right? Place each one where it needs to go. Empty my-"

"I know what to do," Jasmine says cutting me off.  She takes the slip of papers from me and smiles.  "Don't worry.  It's all going to work out."

"Let me just tell you again, just to make sure. You have to place the first-"

"I know, Matthews! Don't worry about it. Everything will go as planned. I promise."

I rake my fingers through my hair and sigh.  "I hope it does.  I really hope it does."

"It will."

With that Jasmine walks out, leaving my destiny in her hands.



Last night Hayden heard me crying in my room.

It was dark outside. So dark that the window acted like a mirror so I could see my tear stained cheek reflection on it. I remember leaning in closer to the window so that I could see my reflection better. I let out a deep breath afterward and wiped my cheeks with my shirt sleeve. My warm breath fogged the window and I found it quite weird that the inside of me was still warm when I felt exceptionally cold inside. I brought my hand up to the window and pressed it against the frigid glass. When I removed my hand a hand print was left behind. I stared at it and my mind started wander off to thoughts of Matthews. It was inevitable. I couldn't help it. I began to cry again and then suddenly I felt someone sit beside me on the daybed. Even though I already knew who it was I turned around to look at them. His warm body pressed against mine and before I knew what was happening he had his strong arms wrapped around me in an embrace.

"How are you doing?" Hayden asked.

I swallowed hard and turned my head away to the side so he couldn't see my face before saying, "Do you want to hear the truth?

Hayden rested his chin on top of my head. "The truth. I don't want to hear the fake version."

I licked my lips, moistening them and then pulled myself out of my brother's embrace. He didn't make a move to pull me back into his arms. He seemed to understand that I needed space at the moment over comfort. 

"Honestly, I feel empty. I feel cold inside." I could hear my voice cracking when I spoke and tears pricking at the corner of my eyes. "This was the reason why I didn't want to get close to anyone anymore. They always seem to be pulled away from me or leave me. My Mother. My Dad."  I swallow and let out a little gasp.  "And now Matthews." I shook my head and closed my eyes tight.  My eyes sting and I can feel hot tears trailing down my cheeks.

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