Chapter 25 - Destiny

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Today is my birthday.

And the last day I'm going without talking to Matthews.

I have decided that this has gone on for far too long.

After the talking to Mrs. Jennings yesterday I have decided that the best thing to do would be to open up myself to Matthews. He's done it with me and he deserves the same in return. Plus, after talking to Mrs. Jennings about what was bothering me I realized how good I felt afterwards. I felt almost like I was freed.

My fist is poised to knock on the door but before I can the door swings open, and the person who I expect to be on the other side isn't there. Matthews is not standing on the other side of the door with a smile on his face, glad to see me, and it isn't his father either.  No, the person on the other side of the door makes my stomach drop and I suddenly feel sick.  It's Jasmine.

"Jasmine? Wh-what are you doing here?" I push my rain wet hair out from my eyes and squint at her.

Jasmine leans against the door frame and surveys me with a upraised eyebrow like Hayden would do.

"Matthews didn't tell you?" She questions, and that is when I realize the sad truth.



I hear the door shut close as I make my way down the stairs from my room. Jasmine is standing in front of the door and staring at it with a confused expression on her face.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows when I reach the last step.

"Destiny was here," Jasmine says slowly as she turns to face me.  I can see in her eyes that questions seem to be tumbling around in her head.

"She was?" I asked.  I then begin to make my way to the door, but the Jasmine's next words make me freeze.

"Yeah, but then she just mumbled about something being a mistake and walked away. I called after her, saying that I'll get you to come down from your room but she said how she doesn't want to see or hear anything you had to say."

I wince at that and ask, "She really said that?" 

Jasmine nods her head and then turns back to continue staring at the door in concentration. "She would not have come here unless she wanted to see you. She didn't even know that I was here, so she obviously did not come to see me." After a little while after saying that her brown eyes widen. "She didn't know that I was here!" Jasmine yanks the door open and runs out of the house into the rain like a complete idiot.

I run after her, catch her by her elbow and drag the Spanish swearing girl back into the safety of the house. "What is wrong with you? Have you gone out of your mind?"

"She was here to see you! But, she saw me instead. She saw me in your house!"

I shake my head from side to side, not following what she is saying. "What are you talking about, Jasmine?  Slow down and say it again."

Jasmine clings to my shirt and whispers, "Oh, Matthews. She saw me in your house.  She saw me and thought that you had grown tired of waiting for her and had moved on."  With wet eyes she says, "I've screwed you up.  I'm so sorry, Matthews.  So, so sorry."

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