Gone again

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Bonnie left, at least she could leave. She went to go and do some research in her grimoires and try to contact the witches to see if they knew anything about it, I didn't know she could still do that.

Caroline went with her to make sure she didn't do anything dangerous, then of course, Stefan followed wanting to be with Caroline. Leaving Katherine, Damon and I alone together.

"I think I should give you guys some privacy" Katherine said awkwardly, as she left. Damon's sky blue eyes locked into contact with my chocolate brown eyes, and we starred at each other longingly, I never wanted it to end. "I've missed you Elena" Damon mouthed, knowing that Katherine was probably eavesdropping right now.

"I've missed you too Damon" I mouthed back. We got closer and closer together until we were touching. We were about to close the gap between our lips until he disappeared. "Damon?" I yelled, hoping that he would still be able to hear me. But I didn't get a response.

"You look sad" Katherine said returning from wherever she'd been. I faked a smile.
"I'm fine" I lied as I went up to Damon's bedroom to escape from Katherine.
"Elena you're not fine" Katherine pointed out "Damon can't spend every second with you" she even knew what was wrong.

"It's not that he can't spend every second with me, it's just that every time he leaves, I don't know if he's ever coming back" I said truthfully, a tear formed in my eye, I tried to hold it back, but it came running down my cheek. "Elena don't cry" Katherine said concerned.

"Im not crying, I've got something in my eye" I lied while rubbing my eyes.
"Yeah tears" Katherine smirked at her bad attempt of a joke. "I'm sure you'll see him again" Katherine said reassuringly. It didn't help though, her words wouldn't bring him back to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2016 ⏰

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