Chapter 1

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Alex's POV

"Alex wake up" I hear Mitch say as he starts shaking me awake. I groan and sit up. I don't really want to go to school today but I have to.

"Im up" I said as I slowly got out of my bed. I walk over to my closet and pick out my clothes for today.


I put my hair up in a messy bun and walk out of the room and down to the kitchen. I was still living with Jason. Ian and Quentin moved away.

I get a strawberry frosted pop tart, sitting at the island. Mitch has been sleeping over here once in a while. I hear footsteps and Mitch comes into the kitchen. He sits down next to me and takes a bit of my pop tart.

"No my pop tart" I said fake crying. He just laughs as he pops it in his mouth. I sigh and finish my pop tart as Jason came and started eating. I get up and go back upstairs to grab my backpack, phone, and my 3ds that I got for Christmas. I put them in my backpack as I head downstairs.

"Ready to go" Mitch asks, leaning against the door.

"Yep, so glad its Friday" I said.

"Yeah me too so what do you want to do this weekend" he asks as we go out the door. I hear Jason open and close the door behind us as we walk towards the bus stop.

"We should go to the mall tomorrow, i have been wanting to dye my hair" I said looking over at him. He grabs my hands as he smiles.

"Cool what color" he asks.

"Its a secret" I said, swinging our hands. We get to the bus stop and sit down on the bench. Jason sits down next to Mitch as we wait. After a few minutes the bus comes and we get on. I get on first, Mitch behind me. I walk to the back where there are a few seats open. I sit down in one of the seats and slide to the window as Mitch sits down next to me. Jason sits on the one person seat across from us.

When we get off of the bus when we get to the school. So before we go in I have to tell you something. Ever since school started and people found out that me and Mitch were together, the girl have went crazy mad and would get to me whenever Mitch wasn't about. Now I warned you.

We walk into the school, hand in hand, as we go to my locker.

"See you at lunch Mitch" I said.

"See ya" he says and kisses me on the cheek before going to his locker. I open my locker and grab my stuff from my locker and go to class.


I grab my lunch which consists of a taco salad, an apple and chocolate milk. I walk over to Mitch and sit down next to him. Jason and Jerome were already there. We talk and joke a bit.

I go to bring my tray back when I was tripped. I ended up falling with my face full of leftovers and since I had sour cream and salsa in it, it stuck to my face. I heard laughing as I felt someone help my up and started wiping off my face with a napkin. I looked up to see Mitch standing there.

I looked around and saw that everyone was laughing and pointing at me. That is when I broke. I pulled out of Mitch's grasp and ran out of the cafeteria. I was running down the familiar hallway and outside. I heard footsteps behind me so I started running to the park. I ran through the forest in the park for a while until I heard the footsteps stop.

I started waking until I got to a secret place. I pushed back the vines of the weeping willow tree and stepped inside the dome made of trees and leaves. In the middle of the dome was a small pond. Off to the side was a run down cabin thats not that big. Its like the size of our living room in total. The best thing is at night, when the bugs would come out and the fireflies would light up the dome. It was really pretty. I walked over to the pond and sat down, taking my shoes and socks off, before putting my feet in the water. I sigh and lay back on the ground, staring up at the canopy. Before I know it i doze off.

*Markipliers outro starts playing*

I groan as I woke up to my phine ringing. Yes Marks outro is my ringtone. I grab my phone and accept the call.

"Hello" I ask tired.

"Alex, where are you" I heard Mitch say from the other end.

"Im at the park, why" I ask getting up.

"Did you look at the time" he said.

"No you woke me up from my snooze" I said.

"Oh well you should come home" he said.

"Okay im on my way" I said as I put my socks and shoes on.

"See you when You get home" he says before hanging up.

I get up and brush off the grass that stuck to me before heading home.

I walk into the house when I get home and walk noisily up the stairs.

"Guys I'm home" I said loudly.

"WE ARE IN JASONS ROOM" I head Adam tell. I go up the steps to Jason's room and know before I open the door to see Adam, Mitch, Jerome, Jordan, and Jason who is sitting on his bed looking at the ground.

I walk into the room.

"Hey guys what's up" I said.

"The sky" Adam days before getting a whack on the head from Mitch.

"Hey" Adam days glaring at Mitch before going over to the deal and sitting on masons desk chair.

"Guys what's going on" I said knowing something was up. I lookat Jason and he slowly brings his face up and I saw years covering his whole face, literally.

"Oh my gosh, Jason what's wrong" I said going I we and sitting down next to him on the bed.

"M my father" he managed out before choking on another sob. I pull him in for a hug as he cried.

"Do you know what happened" I ask Adam. He nods.

"When we for back from school me and Jason came up here to talk for a not when he for a was the police and they told Jason that uh that his father was killed in a car crash with a semi, and a delivery truck" he said.

"Oh" I said as I rubbed Jason's back as his crying slows down to an almost complete stop. Mitch, Jerome, and Jordan slip into the hall and down to the kitchen. Adam comes over and sits on the other side of Jason and hugs him from the other side.

Soon Jason finished crying. We were still in the hug for few minutes when I ask a life changing question.

"Where are we gonna live."
Hey hey hey guess what!
It's the first chapter of the sequel to the bullied by team crafted one but fwi I won't be posting as often as I used to.

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