Chapter 36

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I woke up to find Viks arms wrapped around my waist. I slowly move his arms, not trying to wake him, and got up. I grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom.

After I got dressed I walked out and saw somethi g super adorable. Zane and Tori were cuddling. Her face was in his chest, his arms wrpped around them and there legs were intertwined with each other. I couldn't resist. I snapped a picture of them and sent it to Tori.

They looked soo fudging adorable. In Prestons words. Mine is THEY ARE SO FUCKING ADORABLE I CANT EVEN! But yeah, cant really yell that outloud at a park where there is little kids.

I brush my hair before I wake Vik up.

"Vik, wake up," I said.

"Fine," he mumbled as he got up. I walked over to Tori and Zane and shook Tori awake, which was pretty easy, but Zane on the other hand I had to tickle his face for him to wake up.

"I'm up," he says sitting up, pushing the feather away. Tori grabs some of her clothes and goes to the bathroom to change.

She came out as she pulled her hair up into a ponytail. Zane grabs his clothes and went into the bathroom as me and Tori decided to go wake up the others. Since we didnt talk ahead of time out rooms are scattered all over the place.

"So where was the other guys room?" Tori asks me.

"One is on the level below us in room 267, and the other is in room 127," I said.

"Okay," she says as she opens the door to the stairs, it is faster than the elevator for only one level. We walk down and head over to the first room that had Adam, Jerome, Lachlan and Preston. I knock on the door and wait. After a minute or so Lachlan opens the door, only wearing sweats.

"Wake everyone up," I said to him.

"Fine," he groaned.

"See you later, and make sure to NOT fall back asleep," I said before me and Tori walk down the hall. We walk down the stairs and got to the others guys room. Tori was being very quiet, maybe this is her on the morning, or she's beep on thought.

Jack opens the door and looks like he was up for a while.

"Are the others up?" I ask.

"Mark, Simon and Jason are, Tobi isnt though," he says.

"Then wake him up," I said.

"Want to wake him up with whipcream?" he asks, making Toris head to park up.

"Maybe Tori can, I'm going back to the room," I said as I look at Tori who has a grin on her face.

"That's okay, do you want to help me?" He asks.

"Yes," she said really excitedly before she goes into the room with them. I laugh to myself before I made my way up the stairs to out floor. As I get to the top I stop and think.

'Did I just bring them three into this mess?'

That's what I kept thinking as I walked to out room. I open the door to see Vik and Zane talking to each other.

"Morning, where's Tori?" Vik asks.

"Helping the boys wake Tobi up with whip cream," I said making Zane smile for some reason.

I step into the room, Sean giving me a can of whip cream as we walk over to Tobi. We sprayed some on his face so it looked like he had a white mustache before we put some on his hand. Sean tickles his face, making him slap himself.

"Why?" he asks as he slowly slid his hand off his face.

"Because," I said. I put some whip cream on my hand and throw it at Simon.

"WHIP CREAM FIGHT!" i screamed, but not loud to wake people up. Me and Sean started throw whip cream at the others and having a full on fight. By the end we were all covered in whip cream.

"I guess I should get back," I said getting up.

"See ya later," I added as I left the room. I sigh as I made my way to my room.

I knock on the door and wait for someone to open it. Soon Zane opened the door.

"What did you do," he asked as he moved out of the way so I could walk in.

"I may or may not have started a whip cream fight," I said smiling. Alex and Vik started laughing at the sight of me.

"I'm gonna take a shower," I said as I grabbed some clothes and brought them into the bathroom with me.

After a covered with whip cream Tori goes to take a shower, while I stop laughing.

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