Chapter 15

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I wake up from an alarm next door to find that I was in the spare room in the sidemen house. I groan as i sit up. I look around to see two of my suitcases.

"EVERYONE GET UP NOW, TIME FOR SCHOOL" Josh yells. I go over to my suitcases and get an outfit sorted before I change into them.

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen to see Josh.

"Hey Joshy" I said as I sit down.

"Hi Alexy" he says as he puts some eggs on a plate.

"Want some" he asks holding the plate out.

"Sure" I said, grabing the plate.

As I was eating Vikk comes in and sits down next to me.

"Morning" he says. I wave since I have a mouthfull of eggs. Josh makes him eggs before he left to get ready for school.

I finish my eggs and walk out of the kitchen as Simon goes in.

I sit down on the couch in the living room. I may be the girl but I get ready faster then them. I understand Jason and Simon cause they have to do their hair.

I take out my phone and scroll through twitter. I saved a few pictures and favorites a few things here and there until the guys were ready.

I sit down in the back of Cams car as Vikk gets in on the other side. Simon in the front.

I plug my head phones into my phone and played music as I stared out the window.

When we get to school I take out my headphones and put my phone in my pocket. I get out of the car and walk towards the school next to Vikk.

"I hope Mitch leaves us alone today" I said.

"Yeah, especially after what happened yesterday" Vikk says.

"How was Jason after I fell asleep" I asked.

"He was done, the doctors need to do some other things and get him into therapy" Vik says.

"I hope he feels alot better soon" I said as a walk into the school. We stayed quiet as we weaved through the other kids.

I get to my locker and put my backpack into it and close it. I look over at Vikk as he closes his locker.

"I hope Preston gets better and realizes what he said" I told him.

"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" was chanted. I look over at Vikk before we started walking towards the 'fight'. Vikk holds into my wrist as we weave through the crowd. When we make it to the center of the crowd I see Mitch and Josh fighting.

I grab on to Vikks hand before I squeeze it. Mitch than punches him in the face and Josh goes down, getting knocked out.

I go to punch Mitch but Vikk holds me back as the principle comes into view.

"Mitch, my office now" she says sternly before she turns to us.

"Get your brother to the nurse's office, than you two can bring him home and stay there until tomorrow" she says before walking away.

I pull away from Vikk and go over to Josh, Vikk right on my heels. He picks Josh up and we go to the nurse's office.

"Hi can Josh lay down, he got knocked out" Vikk asks the nurse.

"Yeah, put him on the bed and I'll get you an ice pack for the bruises" she says getting up. Vikk goes through a room and places him on one of the beds. The nurse comes in and hands me an ice pack.

I put the ice pack on his bruise that was forming on his uppercheek.

"Atleast we get a day to stay away then one more day then the weekend" Vikk says happily.

Then there was more footsteps as three people walk into the room, two of them holding up the third. One of them a girl. The third I recognized as Noah. They brought him over to the bed. other bed. Joshs eyes flutter open slowly.

"Your awake" I said lightly.

"Yeah, what happened. I remember fighting Mitch then it went black" he says.

"He punched you in the head pretty hard, if Vikk didn't hold me back I would of either been beatin to a pulp or I would have whooped his ass" I said.

"Well then it was a good thing Vikk stopped you" he said with a small chuckle before coughing.

"Must have gotten a small punch on my throat" he says. I now realize that it sounds scratchy.

"Yeah, why did you two get into a fight anyways" I ask.

"He called you certain names I don't want to repeat" he said as he out his hand up to his head.

"Oh, the principle said the three of us could go home" I said.

"Awesome" he says.

When we get home I bring Josh over to the couch.

I go into the kitchen and grab a soda and a brownie. I walk back into the living room to find Vikk gone. I have Josh his soda and brownie before I go up the stairs. I knock softly before I open the door to see Vikk asleep on his chair.

I walk in to see his room is clean and it looks like he has a gaming video thing set up.

I walk over to him and sit down next to him, shaking his shoulders again.

"Want anything to eat" I ask as he runs his eyes.

"Turkey sandwhich" he says.

I get up and go back downstairs to make him his sandwhich. I make his sandwhich and grab him a soda before going back up to his room.

I walk in and give him his good before I sit down in his gaming chair.

"I'm glad we dont have to be in school today" I said.

"By the end of the day we both could have been knocked out" he says before he takes a bite.

"True, but what if it's worse tomorrow. I thought Friday's were carefree-day before the weekend" I replied.

"Don't worry about it when tomorrow comes, we will deal with the situation at hand when it does happen" Vikk says.

"Okay" I said as I get up and go into my room. I turn on my Xbox and play videogames.

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