Chapter 31

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We walk into Yamis Cafe before I pull Mark aside, telling Sean to find us a seat. He happily walks to a seat.

"Mark, do you happen to like boys," I ask.

"Uh...yeah," he says putting his head down.

"Another question, do you like Sean," I ask.

He nods his head and blushes.

"Your secret is safe with me," I said as I pretended to lock my lips and throw away the key.

"Lets go find Sean," I said as I walked further into the cafe. I scan the area and stop when I see septic green hair. I walk over to him and sit down across from him. Mark sits down next to him.

"Here are the menues, do you want anything to drink," the waiter asks.

"I'll have a chocolate milk please," I said.

"I will have regular milk," both Mark and Sean say at the same time.

"Jinx....double Jinx" the said at each other as the waiter left.

I picked up the menu and looked at all the delicous sounding food until I came to a food I want. I look up to see Mark and Sean whispering car every time a car passed by.

The waiter comes back and gives us our drinks and take our orders.

I chose chocolate chip waffles while the guys got strawberry pancakes. The waiter comes back and gives us our food but when he set mine down he knocked my drink all over my chest.

I gasp as I stand up in shock.

"I'm so sorry miss," the guy says as he grabs a napkin and hands it to me.

"Where is the bathroom," I ask annoyed. He points in a direction and I follow it until I find the restroom. I stand in front of the mirror, trying to wipe it off but there is still a huge stain in the clothing. I sigh as I grab my phone and call Vikk.


"Hey Vikk can you do me a favor."


"Can you grab a longsleeves and bring it to the bathroom in Yamis Cafe?"




I hang up and put my phone in my pocket. I lean against the wall for a few minutes until I heard a commotion coming from outside. I fling the door open and walked out to see a thin crowd gathering around...our table?

I walk through the crowd to see these big dudes holding Sean and Mark while Mark and Sean are hold hands.

"WE DONT ALLOW YOUR KIND HERE!" a guy yells before he punched Mark in the stomach, the guy next to him punches Sean at the same time. I run in front of them before the guy could punch again.

"Leave them alone," I said to them.

"Oh look, a little, pathetic, weak girl is gonna protect you," the guy says laughing. I grab his wrist and twist it before I kick his stomach.

"Don't you date call me weak," I growled.

"Why you little Bitch," the guy says standing up. He goes to punch me. I close my eyes waiting for the impact.

"Don't you dare touch her," I hear Simon say. I open my eyes just to see Simon kick the guy in the stomach, sending him into his friend.

I turn around to see the big guys letting go of Mark and Sean. They fall to the floor, still holding hands. I kneel down next to them and see Sean about to pass out.

Mark leans back with his free hand on his stomach.

"Can I?" I ask as I go to grab his shirt. He nods and lifts his hand off of his stomach. I lift his shirt up to see a gigantic bruise forming on his stomach.

Before I could examine it more Sean passes out and his head falls onto Marks lap.

"Vikk called an ambulance, here's the shirt," Simon says while handing me a hoodie. I pull the hoodie over my head and stand up.

"Thank you Sumon," I said while giving him a hug. He puts his arms around me and hugs back.

"Anything for you, bestie," he says. I chuckle as I let go. I turn around and see Vikk. I hug him and he hugs back.

"They will be here shortly," he says.

"Okay," I said as I pulled away.

"That's the second time he stopped someone from punching someone today," Vikk says looking at Simon.

"Who," I ask as I follow his gaze.

"Me," he says. I look over at him to see his head down.

"Why, what happened," I asked.

"He him, he was chasing me because he was having another for and I ran into someone and they brought me into an alley. They were about to punch me but Simon stopped him," Vikk says. I smile a bit. I can hear the ambulance coming around the corner now.

Soon enough the ambulance was here and the paramedics put Mark and Jack into stretchers and into the ambulances. They let me ride with Sean in the back of the ambulance.

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