Chapter 18

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4 weeks later--
Me and Vikk haven't been the greatest and he seems to get even more distance between us. I have been having more of those dreams with the blade of ice.

I learned where the dream takes place and what the name of the blade is. It's in Minnesota, called the frozen blade.

Well back to the reality.

I wake up with a groan before I get up and get something to wear.

I look through my clothes and find a sidemen hoodie hanging up. I smile before I take that out with my outfit. I change into the clothes and grab my stuff before I bound down the steps. I go into the kitchen to see Vikk and Simon. I make a bowl of cereal, humming as I do so. I sit down next to Simon and eat my cereal. He Just stares at me. Probably because this is the happiest I have been since that day I had with Vikk. Vikk just finishes his cereal and leaves.

I take out my phone and read a message.

Don't forget to bring you costume for the play

I smile at the text befoe I put my phone away. I have been in a play but the guys don't know since I told them I was going to the park and stuff so they dodnt find out. Mainly because I don't want them to come watch, especially Vikk since he is being so distant. I finish and leave the room. I go back up to my room and grab my costume. I'm belle from beauty and the beast.

I put my costume into the bag and run back downstairs and leave the house, walking to school. I hum the songs that I have to sing as I turn the corner to the school. Freezing. On the school was a banner.


What are the guys gonna say. I panic a little as I walk into the school, people staring at me. I get to the auditorium to see Mr. Brown telling the stage managers where to put everything. I smile as I walk over to him.

"Hey Mr Bown, where do you want me to put my costumes" I ask.

"In the changing room" he said.

I walk over to the changing room and the stage manager hands me a few hangers with my stage name on it. Belle if you didn't know. I hang up the costumes before I walk out of the auditorium.

I go to my locker only to see Vikk at his. I open my locker at put my bag in it before I grab some gym stuff.

"Didn't know you were in the play" Vikk says.

"Yeah, well I didnt tell anyone and I wasn't planning on it" I said before walking off. I hear him sigh a sigh of relief?

The second bell rings and I go up to the gym. The first as always. I sit down against the walk and wait for gym to start. I hear loud chattering before the guys walk in.

"Hey Alex why didn't you tell us you were in the play" Simon says walking over.

"I didn't want to tell you" I said before the teacher blew the whisle, telling is to get in line for stretches.

Lunchtime yay.

I grab lunch and walk to the table and plug in my headphones and listened to music. I feel them staring at me. I look over and see Josh looking at me. I could see that he wanted to know bout this. I sigh before I throw the rest of my food away and walk outside to the outside cafeteria part is. I sit down on a bench facing the forest. I see a movement in the forest and then a shine of blue. I furrow my eyebrows before something comes flying out at me. I duck as it sticks into the bench. I sit back up and take the thing out of the bench. I look at it to see a giant loon. Its a postcard in a case of some sorts.

Welcome to Vergas, Minnesota

Another thing about the blade. I look at the picture closer and see the lake in the background, along with a house with horses. Then a spot on the barn shimmery blue and when it disappears I see the blade.

I hear footsteps and I stuff the picture into my pocket the best I can. I turn my head to see Simon.

"Hey Si" I said as he sits down.

"Hi, what are you doing out here" he asks.

"Just thinking" I said.

"About the blade, isn't it" he said.

"Yeah, this was flung at me from the forest" I said taking out the postcard. I hand it to him and point out the blade. We talk about that for a while until I ask a question.

"Do you know why Vikk is being so distant" I ask him.

"I'm not sure, what happened that day" he asks.

I explained to him about how the waiter kissed me, how me and Vikk played around and then him kissing a girl, me running off to Prestons.

"Wow, I honestly can't tell you" he said. The bell rings and we walk off to our next class.

I walk into the classroom and see the last desk open was next to Vikk. I walk over and take the seat. I hear him mumble something before the bell rings. I sigh and doodle in my notebook but it soon just comes out to be a broken heart drawen on it. A tear escapes and lands on the heart, smearing it so that side looks like it was melting.

"Alex BRADLEY" the teacher says snapping me back to reality.

"What" I said.

"You not paying attention and looks like you writing a note, show the class" she says sternly.

I get up slowly with my notebook and when I get to the front I show the class my picture. They stare at it but the only one who figured it out got up and left the room. I sit back down next to the now empty seat.

The teacher called the office saying that a student just left her class without permission.

And that student was Vikk.

Frozen Blade (SDMN/Pack/TC FF)Where stories live. Discover now