First Kiss

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You were waiting in the Newsboys Lodging house for Jack to return from his newspaper run. You've been dating for about a couple weeks and have gotten closer everyday.

He came in with everyone else, who hadn't met you yet. Race walked up to you and grabbed your hand. "Dibs!!" He yelled as you pulled your hand out of his grip and everyone laughed. "She's taken Race", Jack said as he entered, the boys parting and making a path. "Oh yeah?" Race asked. Jack nodded and stood next to you. "Prove it Kelly", Someone yelled.

Jack smirked and cupped your face and kissed you. All the boys started hooting and hollering. Jack parted and you smiled at him, your face a light red.


You were sitting next him on the statue with all the boys messing around with each other. You had your head on his shoulder, leaning on him. It was cold out today so you had a couple sweaters on and a long skirt with warm shoes. Davey dressed the same as always, and was looking at his hat. He looked at you and put his hat on your head. You were quietly snoozing when Skittery came over. "How's your goal doing?" He asked. "She's fine i guess", Davey answered. You shifted on his shoulder. He smiled at you and kissed you softly. You kept your eyes closed and pressed back.


You were sitting with Spot on the docks when a couple boys came over. "Hey Spot. We got company comin' ", one said. A couple of ugly looking thugs you hadn't seen before came walking down the dock. Spot stood up and grabbed your arm, pulling you up with him. He looked at one kid and pulled him towards himself. "You get (y/n) to base", Spot said. The boy nodded and pushed you gently on your back towards base.

30 minutes later, Spot walked in with a bruise on his cheek, a few cuts everywhere, and a black eye. You gasped and sat him down. He looked at you and smirked. "Well you could say that they beat me to it", he said and chuckled. You got out a cloth and dipped it in warm water, ringing it out and dabbing it on him. You noticed a couple deep cuts on his back. "Take off your shirt", you said.

He smirked and took your wrist, pulling it so you had both your hands on either side of him, hovering just above him. He leaned close and whispered in your ear, "I know exactly what you mean." Your face turned red and he slammed his lips against yours.


You were sitting in the stands of the Sheep's Head races, watching a race with Race by your side. The other boys would look at you and wolf whistle, making you blush. You still weren't used to the constant flirty boys at the Races, but Race was well aware.

When you were going back to the lodging house, one guy pulled you from behind and pinned you to the wall. "Hey there sweet cheeks", he said. You smacked him, which made a sound that echoed into Race's ear, making him turn around and go down the alleyway you were pinned to.

He punched the guy in the face and grabbed your hand. "Get the hell away from my goil you filthy bastard", he said with gritted teeth. The man ran away. "You ok?!" He asked and turned to you. "Yeah I'm fi-" "I don't believe ya", he said and took off his cap, running his fingers through his hair. You laughed and leaned up to kiss him. He had his eyes wide open in shock, that you made the first move and he didn't. He then closed his eyes and kissed you back, harder.


You sat near the statue, watching the boys rally everything up. Crutches told you he didn't want you to get hurt so he told you to wait here until things were torn and demolished. You waited and waited until you saw a flock of boys run out. You looked through the crowd and still couldn't find Crutchie. You ran to the edge near the gates and saw the Delancys drag him off. "CRUTCHIE!!" You yelled. He looked at you with a soft and worried look on his face as they dragged him off.

The boys felt really sorry for you. You sat alone near the window, on a bed with a pillow clutched in your grip. You knew he wouldn't be out of there for a while. Mush came over and say next to you. "Sorry (y/n). We should've got him out", he said. "No it's my fault. If I had never let him go with you guys-" "It's my fault", Jack said. All heads turned to him. "We got in this stupid strike. But we ain't done yet!!" He said. You got up and set the pillow down, walking out.

When everyone gathered for the mayor riding into town, you saw a refuge cart pull in. You watched several kids come out. And out hobbling, came Crutchie. You smiled and ran over to him as he locked Snyder up. His face brightened and he hugged you really tight. Tears fell down your cheeks. "I can't believe you're here", you whispered in his ear. "I love you too", he said and took one hand, pulling you in for a kiss, which cause every newsie around you to scream and yell, including Jack.


You walked into the Newsboys Lodging House and up the stairs, walking into a room with about 20 guys. You moved past them, trying not to make eye contact. One stopped you and bent down. "Who's the the shrimp Kelly?" He said. "Spot, leave her alone", Jack said. "Why?"

"Because if you do, you might come out of here with just one broken arm", Blink said and pushed you behind himself. Spot laughed. "What makes ya think that your goil can't fall fo me?" Spot asked. "Because you'd probably be clingy and not as vulnerable as Blink", you said. He turned to you. "I am not vulnerable!!" He said. "If you weren't, you wouldn't let me do this", you said and smashed your lips into his, cupping his face in your hands. Spot rolled his eyes and walked off.

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