The First Time You Wear A Fancy Dress Around Him

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Jack was waiting at the bottom of the stairs in the lodging house, waiting for you. You were getting ready for a show at Medda's, which was the annual event called The Gal's Are In. It was a show that served a fancy dinner, and what's a dinner without a show?

You put the last pin in your bun and looked in the mirror. Your long frilly light blue dress was about an inch off the floor, and barely showed your white flats. Your hair was in a tight, neat bun on the back of your head. You smiled in the mirror and walked out of the room.

Jack heard steps down the stairs and turned around. His mouth opened wide as he stared at the sight of you. You were beautiful to him. A dark red blush formed on his agape face. The frilly dress made your eyes and face light up, and he couldn't help but feel turned on.

You blushed as you reached the bottom of the stairs. "W-what is it? Is there a hair out of place or a frilly still bunched up?" You asked with a worried tone. He chuckled and cupped your face. "You look beautiful Cowgirl", he said, kissing you. Your face heated up further as he pulled away.




Davey was excited today. Today was your 1 year anniversary, so he was going to take you out to a slightly fancy dinner. He told you to dress a little fancier than usual, but not to much since it might hide your true beauty.

He knocked on the bedroom door. "Are you almost ready Skirts?" He asked. "Almost", you replied through the door.

You wore a dark green dress that stopped around your ankles. It was plain, and had a bow and it was sleeveless. Your hair was curled and flowing. You smiled in the mirror before opening the door.

"That was quicker than I though. New record this-" he stopped when he looked at you. His eyes widened as you blushed. "I-is something wrong?" You asked. He shook his head. "T-then stop looking shocked. You make me nervous when you do."

"I know", he said and kissed your forehead.


You were kind of upset right now. You were supposed to attend a party in honor of Race's girlfriend winning all her races of the season, without loosing. The only problem was, you had to wear a dress. You hated wearing a dress, nevertheless a skirt.

You put on the short yellow dress, which came down to your mid thighs. It was a sleeveless dress that came with a fake yellow Hawaiian flower. Your hair was up in a ponytail. You sighed in the mirror and walked out. Spot was already at the event, so you'd be walking there with Pants, one of the Brooklyn Newsies.

All the boys' mouths were agape when you walked in. You blushed and looked away, annoyed. "Let's just go", you said and dragged Pants along with you.


You walked into the Sheepshead Races, which was lit up with little glowing patterns and Newsies all over the place, talking and walking around chatting, a few of them drinking.

You sat on one of the stands, looking down at your hands. A pair of arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer to the body they were attached to.

"Miss me?" Spot whispered in your ear, making you push away from him. He smirked at you. "My my. Aren't we looking pretty today", He said, making you blush again.

"I looked ridiculous."

"Ridiculously beautiful."

"Spot, can I go home now?"

"Nope. I'm gonna make sure you enjoy yourself. You have to start out of fishing once in a while", Spot replied, kissing your temple.

"Fine. But just this once!!"


It was the day that Medda was having all the Newsies together for a great big celebration. Today was the 6 month anniversary of when the strike was settled. It was a fancy party, so you had to wear a dress.

You pulled on your dress, which made you look like Belle, (Beauty and The Beast), if her dress was white. It was a wavy white dress that had sleeves that were hanging off your shoulder. You had white shoes on underneath and your hair was up in two buns.

You gave a half smile in the mirror as the door opened. "Re-" Race stopped mid sentence to stare at you. "Y-you look v-very b-beautiful", he said. You giggled as he blushed.

"And you look handsome too", you said as you kissed him. He pulled away and chuckled. "Only for you."

He held his hand out and you took it, moving your body closer to his side and walking out the door.


Crutchie was very excited. Today was the day you'd be at a friend's birthday party. Crutchie wanted to drop you off to make sure you got there safe. And, he was to attend as well, so he was excited that he could see you in something a little different that an everyday plain brown dress and knee high boots.

You walked into the room and all the boys took off their hats, Crutchie included. "You look beautiful (y/n)", he said, grabbing your hand and bringing you closer. You kissed his cheek as the others have him jealous looks. "Thank you Crutchie. You looked very handsome today as well."

"Might if I take ya for a wa-"

"Okay we get it!! Youse gotta girlfriend!!" The other boys yelled. You laughed along with Crutchie as you both walked out. You popped your head back in.


They boys' faces light up and they all started yelling as you walked back out, taking Crutchie's hand and walking with him to your friend's party.


Blink was waiting patiently, leaning against the wall outside your door. Tonight was the ceremony for the reopening of the Brooklyn Bridge, since it's been closed for a week because of construction. You were invited by Race's girlfriend, who happens to be Spot's sister. She didn't want to be the only girl there, so she invite Race and you and the rest of the Newsies.

You wore sparkly shoes, a maroon dress that stopped at your knees and bobbed out at your hips. Your hair was straight and you added a maroon headband too.

You walked out of the room, trying to buckle your shoe. Blink bent down and buckled it, looking up at you. "You look beautiful (y/n)", he said, moving the hair out of your face.

You blushed and looked at your shoes. He kissed your cheek and then grabbed your hand. "Let's go before they yell at us for bein' late."

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