chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Craked Wall

After Adrian led I hopped out of the tub soaking wet and went to his closet to get a towel and pick out something to wear. First I took the towel and made sure I patted myself completely dry. I didn't want to water stain any of his shirts; I might not be able to reimburse him if I ruined something.

The closet smelled exactly like him, absolutely amazing. I looked around and didn't see any shorts. I did find silk pajama bottoms in every color known to Armani and 2 pairs of sweat pants that were too big on me. I decided to just a shirt and walk over to my dorm to change. Which sadly, was smaller than Adrian's closet. Absolutely heart breaking.

I looked through the shirts and picked out a black button up that I haven't seen Adrian wear since the first time we met. Ah, the memories. Who would have ever guessed I would willingly be in his room, naked, wearig the shirt he had on when i first saw him in my dreams …. Him, probably. I grabbed the shirt, left his closet and shout the door. I walked over to the white marble sink counter and put the shirt down and turned the music up as load as it could go without making my head ack. Then I went to the tub poured some bubble wash.

As soon as I got it the bath, all my muscles relaxed. I feeling a little hungry I opened the mini fridge to see if the was something to tie me over till lunch with Lissa and Fireball (Christian). To my disappointment nothing other the liquor and a little box filled with dove chocolates. No food but I guess chocolates were pretty good and thet's better than nothing. I popped on in my mouth, closed my eyes, relaxed and let it slowly melt in my mouth as I melted in to the music.

Even if people said I never think, they were wrong! I have way too much on my mind of an 18 year old girl. The only thing I should have to worry about at my age is which guy likes me. But no, Rose Hathaway has to think about which one is trying to kill her. Problems, the story of my life. Yet that moment in the bathtub I had absolutely nothing on my mind and the moment that happened, BAM I slipped in to Lisa's.

She was at court with Christian. They were probably there for the initiations to get on the panel; stupid new rules said they have to go through them to have a chance to get into court. I saw Christian and the two of them were fighting again. The thing with Avery messed with their relationship badly. I didn't want to have to hear it so I slipped out of her head. I opened Adrian's mini fridge and took out a random mini bottle of alcohol out. I didn't even read what it was I just took a few shoots so I could weaken the shadow-kissed bond and finally relax for once.

Everything I loved is deterating around me. Everyday has hurt me in some way. Lissa was using her spirit, leaving me to deal with the effects. Christian kissed me yeah big shocker. Dimitri, Do I even have to list all the things he's done, the thing that hurt me the most is when he said, "Love fades Roza, and mine has." After everything he's done and thats the way he ends things, by telling me our love was weak enough to fade. AFTER EVERYTHING.

The list of people and how they hurt me goes on and on. The only person I can think of that hasn't done anything to me except stand by my side was Adrian. He's the only one that allows me to be weak, not that I am weak but even brick walls have cracks and chips. He's proven that he loves me and will stand by my side no questions asked and I think it's time I show him how much I need him to stay. He literally saves me from my worst night mares and it's time I show him how much that's worth—my heart.

I pulled the plug and got out of the tub and patted myself dry and wrapped my hair in the towel. I looked through the underwear box and picked out a black thong with a bow in the back and put it on. I looked for some make up, Adrian deserved me getting dolled up when I ask him out, but the only make up I found was mascara and nude lip gloss. "ugh, that has to do."

I put the makeup on—if you can call it that. Then I put the shirt on and left I unbuttoned, I was going to give Ivanshov a show. My bath only took 20 mins., give-or-take, which left us with an hour for fun. I took the towel off my and tousled my hair until it was a messy, in a sexy way. I got out of the bathroom but Adrian wasn't there and this time I checked his whole dorm. He must have thought I was going to take longer and stepped out for a smoke or something. I hopped on his, still messy, bed and laid on the bed the long way. My head was on the pillow and I faced the door so he could see everything when he came in.

I waited and waited and I heard him opening the door. "Adrian, I have something to tell you."

"Anything." he said, then he trailed off and I heard him say, "See, I told you I didn't do anything bad to her." By the time I figured out what was happening Adrian and Dimitri were both there. They both saw everything and I do mean everything. The only things that were covered were my arms, shoulders, and anything the thong covered.


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I couldn't sleep last night so i wrote this

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Noth bad for sleep deprivation

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