Chapter 5

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Cute little intro

Dimitri - Why are you crying?

Rose - It's none of your business anymore.

Dimitri- Alright, where's he at. I'm gonna beat his ass.

Rose- What're ya gonna do, punch a mirror?

Dimitri- Oh... it wasn't adrian...

Rose- 0_e''...seriously? You SERIOUSLY thought i was crying because of someone else?

Did we fry your brain when we turned you back to a Dhampier?...WELL?


Chapter 5: Painted in Scarlet

Their gazes paralyzed me. The embarrassment mortified me. Why was my fate so twisted? Why did it have to be Dimitri that walked through that door with Adrian? Adrian stood in shock with his mouth open while Dimitri's face hardened. Everything was in slow motion. My heart beat through my through. I quickly started buttoning up the shirt but my fingers were clumsy. Why is it that Dimitri always finds my when I'm trying to get naked with a Moiri. First Jesse Z., now Adrian. A few seconds after I managed to do the first button, Dimitri Pinned Adrian to the door by his neck and growled at him."I thought you said you didn't do anything to her Ivanshov. SHE REAKS OF ALCOHOL AND LOOK AT WHAT SHE WEARING."

Adrian tried to respond but it was kind of hard with Dimitri chocking him, poor Adrian his didn't stand a chance. I only had 2 buttons done but I hopped off the bed, whatever, they both already saw everything anyway. I went and tried pulling but he wouldn't budge. He did growl at though. "DIMIRTI let him go."

"You compelled me to let you get into her room last night. NOW, till me what did to Roza?" He used my Russian name. Why? My heart beat slowed down but it got louder. I could feel the beat throughout my body. The last words he said to me ran through my mind, 'Feelings fade, mine have.' Why didn't he let me be happy? It was easy. Just put Ivanshov down and walk away. He's already walked away from me so many times before, what one more time? It might even make my happy to see him leave but he was here now and tears were leaking from my eyes.

My face was soaked by the time I started pounding my fist against him. "Stop." I cried. "Let go." I pleaded. "He didn't do anything, let go of him." I reasoned. I was pounding and pounding against his back but he was like a wall. The only sing of feeling anything he showed was one small wince. "Dimitri, Let him go. If anyone did anything to me it was you. YOU MESSED ME UP. YOU HURT ME. NOT ADRIAN, YOU!" I yelled my, throat was staring to hurt. I kept pounding on his back and whispered, "" one last time.

Then Dimitri loosened his grip, letting Adrian fall to the ground. He was gasping for air. He's only response was, "I told you, I would never hurt her." He paused for a short breath and rubbed his neck. With venom in his voice he said, "You on the other hand Belikov," The he said it made is sound as if he wanted to spit at the name. "Look at what you've done. Will you ever stop to think about her?" Both of them looked at me, I've never felt so weak. I felt disgusted at myself for being so weak when Dimitri was involved. He really has made a mess of me. When Dmitri's gaze met mine I turned my head. "You see?" Adrian said with anger in his voice. "She can't even look at you it's that bad."

Adrian got up, walked past Dimitri and warmly embraced me. He gently guided my head to his chest with his hand and held it. "I swear I would never hurt Rose, never FORCE anything one he. I compelled you last night so I could stop her from living her worst night mare over and over every time she shuts her eyes." I didn't do anything but listen. "Yes people say thing about my excess in life-style but do you know what they say about you, Strigoi? Not only Sleeping with an under aged student... "He trails off and his voice turned to a whisper, "but everything else." The last word was barely audible but it hurt me the most the word left his lips I unconsciously started to rub my neck in the spot Dimitri bit me countless time. 'Blood-Whore' was the only thing running through my mind.

I rubbed and rubbed and remembered seeing the dried blood. It Looked liked it was painted scarlet; so thickly painted that you couldn't see the black and blue bruises underneath. Adrian must have noticed what I was doing; he gently placed his hand on top of mine, grabbed it and gently placed a kiss onto it. Then he grasped my chin and lifting my face until I met his gaze and softly kissed my lips as well."Don't worry, little dhampir. You might be surrounded by clouds," he brefily looked at Dimitri, then back down at me. " but you'll always be like sunshine to me."


Christian- "Senoodle, if you Don't put me in an upcoming chapter I'm going to set your hair on fire"

Me- " Don't... you know I love you Hot stuff." * hugs him*

C- "If you love me soo much how come you haven't shown's been 4 chapters. How can I compete for rose's love if Adrian And Belikov gets all the good parts?"

Me- "baby I wouldn't do you like that; I saved the best for last. You're going to eventually get one of the best parts in the story just Waite and see. I can't plop a master piece like you in my story you deserve a build up."

C-"Okay" *gives me a peck on the cheek* "But if you don't do it soon I'm going to set fire to your hair"


Sooooo, can anyone guess what Belikov is going to do next? 3:} *evil smile

and if you have suggestions post them

Should he just walk away? Hurt Adrian? Or... rose?

I have an idea of what to write I just think ur suggestions might be better

also, how do you think I'm doing so far?

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