Chapter 8

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So sorry, i know i used to update every week but college, friends, and family is the black hole that consumes all my free time.

I have english and humanity papers to write but i got writers block

and decided to do this in the mean time because it's fun3

Glad you understand :]

Now back to the story


Chapter 8: OH SH!T, My Life's a ME$$


After Adrian Calmed down, he hopped in the bathroom to take a shower. I made his bed, then walked over to the teacher dorms. After i got in my room, i rummaged through my closet to find an outfit. I ended up choosing a red tank top and white booty shorts; why not flont it whe i got it? After i got dressed, i took a look around my room and realized it was a complete mess. Clothes were scattered all over the floor, my refrigerator was empty, and the bed wasn't made- not that i had a chance to make it since i was kidnapped while i was sleeping. It was truly ironic, especialy since i was just making Adrian's bed.

His room was always perfectly kept. His closet was arranged by season, color and style- it figures, now that i think about it. it's Adrian were talking about. His bed was also always made when ever I would come over, unless I interrupted him while he had a guest, or two over. There was also never any dust or

finger prints anywhere, and his drawers, and medicine cabinet were always organized- for God's sake, he even has drawer with extra toothbrushes and panties for his guests. Ewww.

The point is, I've almost never seen his room his room cluttered and on top of that, I've never seen maid anywhere near his room. Who would have thought that Mr. Ivanskov, the lazy, good-for-nothing, alcoholic,jet setting playboy would be this organized when his life is so chaotic. Well, everybody needs somecontrol in there life and i guess this was his.

Oh god, what does he think of me when he walks into my room?

I hardly ever clean my room. I've only been in this new teachers dorm for about a week and it's already in disarray.

The only thing that is clean is the bathroom, everything else was covered with its not that I'm lazy, its just that after getting up for my morning run and teaching battle tactics all day, I'm just worn out. After my long days work, all i want to do is take a hot shower and hit the sheets. In fact that's what I've been going every day so far, which is why i haven't had time to see Lissa, Christian, or Adrian(excluding this morning) since i came back to St. Vlad's.

The only one i seem to bump into on a daily basis is Dimitri; Who's the last person i'd like to see. He patrols the Western side of campus. Oh and you'll love this: He's stationed by the gym where i teach advanced battle tactics; Which also happens to be the gym where the two of use used to train. Ah, the tragically ironic memories. Liss and Christian are both at Court, so i don't get to see them often or at all. As for Adrian, i don't rally know where he teaches ; i havent had the chance to ask or see.

Oh shit, Adrian. If i moved in would he expect me to cook and clean? Would he kick me out if i wasn't up to his expectations(he's seen my room, so he shouldn't be too surprised)? Maybe i'm getting ahead of myself, what if he didn't mean what he said? What if he was just doing it to piss of Dimitri?would the school even let us board together? What if-My phone rang. "Hey little Dhampir," Ardian said in the middle of my panic attack. "Where'd you run off to?" He asked in a calm voice; it didn't hint to any pain from before.

"I'm in my dorm getting dressed" I told him. He protested " Why would you want to do a thing like that?I very much liked what you all ready had on, or should i say off."

There was the happy, horny Adrian i knew and loved." Come on , don't play dumb. You know why.""Im not playing and ... Wait did you say 'Harvard'? Noting comming from you would suprise me, so i have to ask; Can you read my mind Rose?"

I chuckled. "Not yours, but when I was over your house i saw your acceptance letter and asked your mom about it." She said it proved how smart he really was to his father; even of he skip most of his classes so he could catch up on sleep he was smart enough to get in. She said he didn't try because nothing is challenging enough for him." She had a very weird perspective about it; she was so proud of you."

"That woman, weird? Never. She's when i get my lovely personality form. The drinking can be attributed that to my father."

"That alone should have gotten you to sober up. Do you really want to be like your father?" i asked.

"No, Warden Hathaway." He said.

"Ha. Ha... You really shouldn't be craking jokes, I might lock you in the hole." I said in a serious voice.

"If you says in there with me, you can lock i and throw away the key. I'll be glad to be you prisoner

for life."By his voice i could tell he was grinning for ear to ear.. Good, he deserved to be happy."now

open your door."

"Hey." i greeted him after i hungup the phone and opened the door. He smiled and wrpped his arm around

my waist, gently pulling me closer for a soft kiss. It warmed my intire body.

"When are they landing, so we can go pick them up?" He asked quickly after the kiss. I took him by the hand and walked him to the bed so we could sit down, while awnsering his question." oh they should have already landed, but were not picking them up. The shcool made some big deal about being

'more than happy to provide transportation for the last Dragomire Pricness." So we have to wait a bit longer to see them but Lissa said she would call the second her foot touches the campuse grounds."

We were siting side by side; so i linked my right arm around his left one and asked, " So we have about 45 minutes tops till they clame their luggage and get her. Do you have any ideas on what we can do with the time?" I looked into his beautiful jade green eyes the intire time I spoke. I tried to use give him some ideas but using a sultry voice.

"Ah." He said. Simontainously a smile appeired on his face." I can comeup with afew thing but 45minutes wont do; I need all night." He took his free, right hand and placed in on my left cheek. Then, closed his eyes and gently kissed me agian. I opened my lips slowely. We were locking and re-locking our lips like crazy. Heat ran through my body and he wiggled his left hand free of mine so he could caress the other sid of my face. Then he brushed his tongue against my lips ever so slightly but it made me mouth tasted to delissious; it tasted a sweet mint. I ran my toungh across his teeth and the gently bit the bottom of his lips. It was amazing.

I started to take his fitted white T-shirt of his lean body; but just as things we were getting to the good part, he quickly stoped the kiss and pulled away from the face.

"Rose, you naughty little on you. I told you, 45 minutes is not enough time to have you properly. Plus, you just asked me out and then you take me to your bed and attack me. What kind of lady do you take me for?" He tried, and failed to keep a striaght face.

"I don't take you for any kind of lady." I said craking up

"Well," He fakeded wiping tears off his face."i see. In that case good day madam; i refuse to stay here and be insulted."

I said, "Oh Shut up." Then i kissed him.

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