Chapter 3: Close your eyes, Adrian you little whore

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Chapter 3: Close your eyes, Adrian you little whore

As I opened the door, a warm breeze hit my naked body and music hit my ears. Adrian must have taken a shower before I woke up; the mirrors were still fogged up. I wiped part of the mirror with my hand, just enough to see my face. I looked through the drawers till I found the one he kept for guest. Adrian, the little whore. There were at least 30 unopened tooth brushes in the drawer. There was also box that I just had to open. And just as fast as I opened it, I shut and returned it to its place. The box had extra underwear in it. They still had the tags on them but god knows who touched the box or what they did before touching it. I washed my hands, took out a red tooth brush, opened it and started to brush my teeth.

I flipped through songs on his iPod dock/boom box with my spare hand, till I found one I liked. I didn't touch the volume because it was quit loud, which is interesting seeing that I didn't hear it in the other room. In fact, it was more weird then interesting; the only thing separating the two rooms was a door. Oh well. The song was good, I loved it. It was a really unique song that broke my heart every time i heard it's tune. It made me think of Dimitri. I tried not to think but the emotions just flooded:

"Seasons came and changed the time

When I grew up, I called him mine

He would always laugh and say

Remember when we used to play

Bang bang

I shot you down, bang bang

You hit the ground, bang bang

That awful sound, bang bang

I used to shoot you down

Music played and people sang

Just for me the church bells rang."

I walked over to Adrian's huge bath tub –it was big enough for 4 or 5 people, he did lots of remolding while I was gone. Rich, rule-breaking bastard. I turned on the water adjusted the temperature, and let it run. I sat on the edge of the bath tub and drifted into the music.

"Now he's gone I don't know why

And till this day sometimes I cry

He didn't even say goodbye

He didn't take the time to lie

"Bang bang

He shot me down, bang bang

I hit the ground, bang bang

that awful sound..."

All of a sudden I saw the closet door swing out with Adrian's face popping out of it. I froze. "Bang. bang. Banging body, Rose." Adrian said with a smirk on his face. I was speechless. I covered what I could with my hands and turned my face. Mother fucker, I should have gotten the towel from his closet first. I had nothing to cover myself with; my clothes were in the other room.

"A...aa..Adrian." I managed to cough his name up. Well, whoop-ti-effing-do, how did that help me? It was a couple of seconds before I spoke again, but it felt like an eternity. " Get away...don't look."

The only thing that did was get him to come closer, and take my face in his right hand. He forcibly turned it till our eyes met."My cute little Dhampier, why are you covering up? I've already seen it all. In fact I've seen lots of girls naked in the bath room." His smile was so big his fangs were showing.

I kept trying to turn my head but his grip wouldn't budge and if I tried to threaten him, he'd just laugh. He knew I couldn't use my hands without giving him a show. "GRRRrr." I can't believe I just grr-ed at him. What the hell, that's the best Rose Hathaway can do? I Killed lots of strgoi and was powerless with this weak little playboy? His face had a smirk on it now and it was getting closer. And closer. And close...I fell backwards in the tub.

It hurt--not as must as some fights I had, but still. It didn't just hurt physically; my ego felt the blow as well. I got out of the water and gasped for air just to hear Adrian dyeing of laughter." I HATE YOU IVANSHKOV. WHY? HOW?... I mean how are you still here and why didn't I hear you."

After a few more Seconds of laughing, he took a pause to answer my question. "I never left my dorm, in fact I'm insulted Little Dhampier that you thought I left. I'm not the type to so share my bed with someone and leave before she wakes up...I like to enjoy them in the morning. The only thing i leave them with is a desire for more of me." he smiled."And, as for the second question, I had sound proof doors installed because the noises coming from my room got Kirov threatening to throw me out of the academy. It does help when my, um, friendddsss come over. Would you like to test out the walls? We could try in all three of the rooms, even the closet it you want." He couldn't keep a straight face.

"Adrian. GET. OUT. RIGTH. NOW. Or I really will try out the sound proof wall, only you'll be the one screaming." I said crouched over in the tub blocking what I could from his view.

" S&M. I should of known, you liked it rough little Dhampier." He walked out of the door, but just before closing it he turned around and said, "Nice assss...sets you can use the lingerie it the box by the tooth brushes to cover them up... and you can take whatever you want from my closet to wear. Make sure it's comfortable though, were going to meet Lissa and Christian for breakfast... Well, for lunch. It's a little late for breakfast. Take all the time you need we still have an hour and a half before meeting the."

"Adrian, will you promise me something?"

"Anything, epically if it involves me, you and that tub."

"Well now that you mention it does have to do with me, you, the tub and my umm 'assets'." I'll never forget the look on his face: Shock." Can *you* forget everything you just saw, especially the part about *me* falling backwards in the tub and defiantly the part you saw my *assets*."

He said "Nope." then he quickly shut the door before I could say anything else.


I liked Adrian since the chapter the introduced him, his kinda my type of guy 3 Heres a qoute form one of the books:

"What are you, Rose Hathaway? Are you real? You're a dream within a dream. I'm afraid touching you will make me wake up. You'll disappear." — Adrian Ivashkov


Also You guys get to meet Christian, Lissa and Dimitri in the next chapter...can i get a HELL YEAH? case you cant tell im excited, but the only becuse i havent written it yet. But i know whats gonna happen.

also, since you read this far in my story (hopefully you liked it), if there's any you want me to work ino my stroy

say it and maybe you shall receive

And tell me who you want rose to end up with: DB, AI, or CO

i aready know who it is but if your persuasive enough as to why you want that person i might change my mind

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