Prince of Pranking?

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~~Laurance's point of view~~

I could tell that Aphmau was in shock. "L-Laurance I-I don't what t-to say..." Aphmau stuttering. I muttered, "Wow you are now like Garroth before he entered the Irene dimension." "HEY I HEARD THAT!" growled Aphmau. "But anyways, I accept your proposal." Aphmau said in a firm voice. "Alright! and you are Garroth but more girlish." I laughed as I ran away. "COME BACK HERE YOU..." "brat? Nah, Prince? I know I'm a Prince, Prince of pranking." I laughed as I ran faster. I got out an egg and I dropped the egg on the floor. "Oops did I drop something?" i said sarcastically. I looked back. She caught the egg and she threw back at my face. "OH COME ON I JUST WASHED MY FACE!" I yelled. Then I ran outside the door.


"I'm not going to give up Aphmau!" i yelled back to her. Then she grew her wings and she caught me. I grabbed my smoke bomb and I threw it on the ground. Then i grew my wings and i flew away.I drank an invisibility potion so that she can't find me.I still have a lot of pranking tools on me plus my weapon of course but I mostly keep my pranking tools in my backpack which is also invisible. Then i saw Aphmau.She was right next to me. "I could hear you Laurance..." she said in a creepy voice. Jeez as if an Aphmau trying to chase me was scary enough.Then the potion wore off and she caught me. "okay okay i give up." i was tied up.Now i really wish i didn't say that. Then she said," Prince of Pranking? more like Prince of Lame." she chuckled. I wanted to tackle her so i ripped the rope and I tackled her. "Wow you got the strength and i got smart and we both have the swift." she winked. "I shall now pronounce you Prince of Strength and I shall pronounce myself Princess of Smartness and we will be pronounced King and Queen of Swiftness." laughed Aphmau. "The wedding is in two weeks so make me happier in those two weeks." i winked.


sorry that this chapter was so short it's because school is going to start tomorrow if you are in Nevada and i needed to sleep early so i hope you guys enjoyed it if you did then please comment and follow me if you want more of this and as always DRAGONS UNITE!!!!!!!!!

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