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I was expecting a lot of hate comments on the last chapter but lets get on with the story.

~~Laurance's point of view~~

I was just lying there on the sand. Why Irene? Why do you have to put dangers on MY island. Then I spotted a figure heading toward my island. "Who goes there?" I asked. "Oh sorry I was just mad that my husband kissed another woman so I ran away from Scaleswind and I sailed toward this island." she apologized. "I will be going now..." "NO, I mean please stay for awhile? I'm kind of lonely." I pleaded. "Heh I'm starting to like you already. My name is Alexandra, what is yours?" Alexandra asked. "I'm Laurance and date me?" I flirted. She giggled,"Ha funny but no."  "Aww man well at least I tried." I chuckled. 

~~Later at night~~

~Alexandra's point of view~

I can't believe that worked! He thinks I'm just another girl, well I'm not, I'm Aphmau. (Aren't I just so unpredictable?)  "So who did you break up with?" I asked. "I broke up with Aphmau, she kissed another man when I left." Laurance frowned.  "Oh really? Well I broke up with Chris." I made up. 

~~Time skip (They just talk the whole time)~~

"Well it's getting late, we should probably sleep." I said. "Maybe we should sleep on the same bed." Laurance flirted. I punched him. "Owww."  I grabbed my materials out of my ship and I sat on my ship. I snapped my fingers to turn on the lights of my ship. Laurance was wide eyed.  "Impressive but can you turn into another form?" Laurance asked as he turned into a shadow knight. I changed into my Angel form. "Wow I knew you were beautiful but I never knew you were an angel." Laurance flirted. I punched him again. "Why do you keep on punching me?" Laurance whined. "You don't even know who I really am?" I asked.  "No, who are you?" Laurance asked. "I'm your wife,Aphmau, and I understand why you are mad, I didn't kiss Vincent. I will be going now." I explained. "You. were. Alexandra?" growled Laurance. "Please don't be mad or I will be heartbroken that I angered you." I pleaded. "Didn't I say that I didn't love you anymore?" growled Laurance. "But I still do." I tried to kiss him but he stuck his sword in my body. I have lost Laurance forever...

~~Laurance's point of view~~

As soon as I came back to my human self, I saw Aphmau on the sand with my sword to her chest. I ran to her side.What have I done? "You were right, I shouldn't love you anymore..." Aphmau said as she died. "NO,NO,NO PLEASE I WAS WRONG PLEASE COME BACK TO ME, I-I still love you"I said as I cried. I didn't have my hearts to revive her, I lost her forever. Irene appeared beside me. "Irene please help me, I didn't mean for this to happen...I-I'm sorry." I apologized. "I'm not going to help you. It was your fault, you did it, you killed her." she pointed toward Aphmau. "But it was my shadow knight form..." "and you used it to kill Aphmau." Aphmau's ghost appeared right next to Irene. "You were right..." Aphmau's ghost tugged on Irene. "Okay Aphmau we can go. And by the way, you are not a part of my family anymore." she gave me an angry look. "I'm so so very sorry Aphmau." I cried some more as I repeated her words in my head,"You were right..."

~Irene's point of view~

"Irene, who was that boy that was crying?" Aphmau asked. "Nobody important." I answered. He has to revive her before sun down or else she will be dead forever.

~~Laurance's point of view~~ 

I carried Aphmau to my home. I grabbed a heart and I tried to put it in her but it somehow doesn't want to revive. Does she want to be dead? I shook my head. Then Lucinda came in and asked what I was doing. "I'm trying to revive Aphmau." She ran to my side. She gasped. "WHAT HAPPENED?" "I was in my shadow knight form and I don't know what happened." I panicked. "Let me guess your shadow knight self took over and stuck a sword into Aphmau's body." Lucinda crossed her arms. "Yes and can you help me PLEASE?" I pleaded. "Hmmmmm."


WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA APHMAU FORGOT WHO LAURANCE WAS AND SHE DIED AND LAURANCE KILLED HER AND WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT? (sorry for the cliffhanger >:3) but I hope you guys cried, I mean liked it and if you did then please comment on what I should do next and hopefully the comment that I pick will have a good ending and follow me to give me ideas on what the next chapters should be about and as always DRAGONS UNITE!!!! By the way, do you think that Laurmau maybe sinking or will it still live on? Let me know ;3

Never - Laurmau FF (Book 1 of 3) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now