Her changing eyes

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This book that I was reading was so awesome that I wanted to add to some of the ideas from the book but I'm so sorry if I stole that idea... if you read the book then you will know why I put that song...I heard the song and I AM SAD RIGHT NOW...

~~Laurance's point of view~~

I was punished for drawing on her face and the punishment was to not kiss her for one day."That isn't fair! I always kiss you in the morning so that when I have night..." I paused, "I mean so that when I have a bad mood, I can always kiss you so that I would feel better." I continued. Aphmau blushed, I saw her eyes, they were changing color. The color of her eyes were pink. "Your eyes are pink." I said. "What?" she looked in the mirror. It was changing to blue. "Wait let try something, Aphmau I love you with all my heart please kiss me?" I asked. Her eyes changed color, it was now pink. "Aha that means your eyes change color depending on your emotion." I smirked. "So that means you will always see my emotion?" Aphmau asked with her blue eyes. "Yeah I'm guessing that Irene did that to you because she wants me to know how you are feeling." I smirked. "Laurance if something ever happens to me, I want you to know that you will always suck at flirting." she laughed as her eyes changed yellow. "Well at least I'm not bad at making out!" I pointed out. "Good point, you are now ungrounded from not being able to kiss me." she giggled. I kissed her. "Laurance there is a reason why I grounded you from kissing me." I looked at her, she was crying and her eyes were dark blue.(PLAY THE SONG ABOVE) I looked at her whole body, sh-she was disappearing from my life. "I knew if you kissed me, you would cry and cry and cry the whole time." she hugged me and kissed me on the lips."Goodbye forever Prince Laurance..." her lips were gone and she was gone, my love was gone. Why? Why did she have to leave me. Irene appeared right next to me. "Irene, why did she leave me?" I asked. "I didn't do this... I-I'm sorry for what happened to Aphmau." then she got a message from her amulet. "Do you read Irene?" asked Enki. "Yeah I'm here whats the issue?" asked Irene. "We have word that Aphmau was on a mission to kill the aliens from outer space please tell this to Laurance." answered Enki. "I'm already here, why didn't they take me instead?" I cried. "Aphmau had powers to heal." answered Enki. "So? I rather kill myself than have Aphmau leave my life." I cried even more then I handed back the amulet to Irene. "He's very upset that Aphmau had to leave him so please bring him and the gang as well." Irene pleaded. "Alright I will report to them immediately." then Enki hung up. "Get the gang ready." Irene ordered. I nodded and I wiped my tears. I told Aaron, Garroth, Grace, Travis, Katelyn, Silvia, Drake, Zane, Dante, and Lucinda about the Aphmau disappearing thing and they all followed me to Irene. Then Irene teleported us to a planet called, "Dracos" and we were able to breath because Dracos was like Minecraftia but with more dragons. "THIS IS OUR DREAM PLACE!" yelled Drake and Silvia as they ran toward dragons. "Hop on!" they said. We hopped onto the dragons and we went toward the dragon tree where our true adventures awaits.


OH MY GOSH THIS BOOK ENDED BUT GUESS WHAT? THERE'S GOING TO BE A SEQUEL, I will tell you when the book is out and I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did then please comment and follow me to see the next book and as always DRAGONS UNITE!!!!! P.S. don't worry Maddie_2323_ you will date Aaron in the next book ;)    

Never - Laurmau FF (Book 1 of 3) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now