The Lover Games

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 just like the hunger games but you and your date have to defeat the other couples but don't worry, they don't die...

~~Laurance's point of view~~

Me and Aphmau were chosen to be in the Lover Games and we both couldn't wait who we were up against but when me and Aphmau saw which couples were competing, we were surprised. Garroth and Grace entered, Dante and Kawaii~Chan entered, Leo and Alice entered, Levin and Alexis entered, Katelyn and Jeffory entered, Kenmur and Emmalyn entered, and Silvia (TheDragonScale101) and Drake (TheAwesomeDragon102) entered. We were the first ones to enter so we have to get ready for the Lover Games. Me and Aphmau went to our rooms and we put our gear on. I had a dark blue jacket on with a white T-shirt inside plus brown gloves with black boots. Aphmau had a purple jacket with black gloves and a purple T-shirt under the jacket plus black boots. "How do I look?" asked Aphmau. "Beautiful as ever." I smirked. She looked at me, blushing. "Are you blushing because we are in the Lover Games?" I asked. "Y-Yeah." she looked down. Then Maddie_2323_  told us to meet her at the main lobby. 

~~The main lobby~~ 

"So are you guys ready?" Maddie_2323_ asked. "Yup ready as ever! What are the obstacles?" I asked. "Heh, mistletoes , roses , hearts , and Cupid." she answered. "So that means if we get caught with one of those then we get disqualified?" asked Aphmau. "No but that helps you and your date." she smiled. "Then how do we get disqualified?" Aphmau asked. "Well if you and your date don't get along and you two split up then you two are disqualified." Maddie_2323_ explained. "Well good thing we are always together." I chuckled. Aphmau blushed. "Don't worry Aphmau there is going to be a lot of kissing in the place so you two don't have to worry at all." Maddie_2323_ laughed as she walked away. Aphmau stayed quiet. I put my arm around her. She blushed. Then we were teleported to the pad where usually the Hunger Games starts but the pads were double spaced so that the couple could fit.

~~Lover Games~~

 "THE LOVER GAMES WILL START IN 3."  "Get ready Aphmau." I said. "2"  "I'm ready Laurance." Aphmau nodded. "1... LET THE LOVER GAMES BEGIN!" announced Maddie_2323_. Me and Aphmau ran away from all the couples. "Aphmau the only things in the chests are breath mints and video games and many things that stop the couples so that's why we ran away from the chests." I yelled as we were running. Then we saw Grace and Garroth. "GRACE! GARROTH!" we both yelled. "APHMAU, LAURANCE!" both of them yelled. They ran toward us. "So only one couple can win?" Grace asked. "Yeah so I guess make the best couple win." Aphmau said. "Yeah well see you later we got to make out." she giggled as she and Garroth ran to where only Irene knows. "Maybe we should make out." I flirted. "okay but lets find a place. LOOK!" she pointed toward a tree house that was empty. "Lets go there." I nodded. We ran toward the tree house. There was a bed. "Ready?" I asked. "Ready." she respond. We made out while all the other couples were eliminated. "Whats this a couple is making out?" announced Maddie_2323_.  I smirked. Aphmau kept on blushing then she told me to stop. "I have a better idea." she grew her wings and she told me to grow my wings. Then she grabbed my hand and we went outside the tree house. "HOW? H-HOW DID THEY GROW THEIR WINGS? IS IT AN ACT OF TRUE LOVE?" announced Maddie_2323_.  Then Aphmau kissed me. I put my hands at her waist and she put her arms around my neck. "AWW." awed Maddie_2323_. We flew in the air, still kissing, and I summoned a heart shape firework and the firework was around us. We heard the last couple go, it was Grace and Garroth. We were still kissing in the air, I was prince charming while Aphmau was the princess. She let go of my grip but only to see a falling Aphmau. She did this on purpose so that we could get extra points. I caught her in my arms, "Are you FALL-ing for me again?"  "No I'm falling in love with a prince and that prince is you, Prince Laurance." she blushed. "Well I guess you are my princess, Princess Aphmau." I smirked. "AND OUR WINNING COUPLE IS APHMAU AND LAURANCE!" announced Maddie_2323_. Me and Aphmau were teleported to the main lobby.

~~Main Lobby~~

"Good game." Grace and Garroth said. "EEEEEEEE I KNEW YOU GUYS WOULD WIN! I'M A BIG FAN OF LAURMAU AND I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GUYS WON!" fangirled Maddie_2323_. Aphmau blushed.  "I just did this for the bread sticks and nothing else, I'm just dumb." whined Aphmau. "Wait what?" I growled. "Heh you see Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan made me do this because they want me and you to be a closer couple." explained Aphmau. "So you really didn't want to do this?" I growled. "Heh...." I tackled her. 


Shout out to Maddie_2323_  she wanted to be in my story so you are welcome Maddie_2323_ but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did then please comment and follow me to see more of this and as always DRAGONS UNITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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