Am I FALL-ing for you?

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~~Laurance's point of view~~
Aphmau screamed when she saw me find her. I tied her to a floating chair. "Dad this isn't fair!" screamed Alice. "Yeah this isn't fair!" Aphmau whined. "It's fair to me and Alex." Me and Alex smirked. Her wings disappeared. Just then the floating chair fell with Aphmau sitting as she struggled getting  out of the chair. "APHMAU NO!" I flew down to catch her and I caught her before Death caught her. "Are you FALLing for me?" I flirted. She kissed me,"yes I'm now FALLing for you."   "Dad you are so cool!" exclaimed Alice. "He's awesome with girls, teach me how to flirt with girls!" pleaded Alex. "Sure I've dated many girls before Aphmau so I know how to get girls." I smirked. "Oh really what are their names?" Aphmau asked. "Ummmmm."    "Ha you've only dated me!" Aphmau laughed. "Okay fine but I did get you to marry me." I pointed out. Aphmau rolled her eyes.  "But no matter what,I will always love you." I flirted. "Aww Aphmau and Laurance sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G." They sang the whole song. Aphmau was blushing. "HEY APHMAU GUESS WHAT?  Me and Garroth are going to get married!" Grace exclaimed. "That's wonderful!" Aphmau said. "I knew he was shy but did he change?" I asked. "He had enough courage to ask me and I said yes and I was jumping around!" Grace yelled in excitement. "Hey Laurance!" yelled Garroth. "Hello Mr.Courage!" I smirked. "Will you be my Best Man?" Garroth asked. "Sure sure."  I said.  "Aphmau can you be my Lady of Honor?" Grace asked Aphmau. "Sure." Aphmau answered.

~Wedding of Grace~ (I'm just lazy XD) Garroth's point of view.

Grace was so beautiful that I felt like I was going to faint. "Do you Garroth take Grace as your lovely wedded wife?" Zane asked. "I-I do." I stuttered. "And do you Grace take Garroth as your daring flirty husband." Zane asked Grace. "I do."  Grace said in a firm voice. "You may now kiss the lovely bride." sighed Zane. I kissed Grace.
Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did then please comment and follow me to see more of this and as always DRAGONS UNITE!!!

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