Forgive and forget

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~~Laurance's point of view~~

"W-Where am I?" "Nya~ You are in you're nightmare." answered a familiar voice. "M-Michi? Wait WHERE IS APHMAU?" I asked. "Oh you will see her in a minute. Nya~" laughed Michi. Just then I saw Vincent kissing Aphmau. I was filled with anger. "WHY IS VINCENT KISSING APHMAU?" I asked in anger. "Oh after you left Phoenix Drop, she decided to date a different guy. Nya~" Michi explained. Then Michi walked away. I needed to get out, I needed to kill, I needed to forget Aphmau.

~~Aphmau's point of view~~ 

"Oh sorry Aphmau, I accidentally sedated you. I was supposed to sedate a monster behind you but you moved and I sedated you." apologized Michi. "Wait why are you here?" I asked. "I am here to visit, nothing else." she answered. Then I saw Laurance, wait why is he in his shadow knight form? I waved toward Laurance. He ignored me, why did he ignore me? "Laurance!" I yelled to Laurance. "Hello ex-wife Aphmau." he gave me an angry look. "Wait ex-wife?" "Yes ex-wife, I saw you and Vincent kissing when I left Phoenix Drop." Laurance explained in anger. "I didn't kiss anybody!" I yelled. He stormed off where only Irene knows. I was in tears. "And by the way, I will never love you again, you will not be a part of my memory, I will forget you from now on." he said as he removed the ring from his finger. I fell to my knees,crying. The kids ran to me. "What's wrong mom?" asked Alice and Alex. "" I stared at the ground.

~~Laurance's point of view~~

I ran away from Phoenix Drop, I didn't look back because the memories might come back. Then Irene appeared in front of me. "What do you want?"  "WHAT DO I WANT? APHMAU IS CRYING BECAUSE OF YOU. WHAT DID YOU DO?" Irene yelled in anger. "I don't want to talk about it." I said in a angered voice. I ran away from her. I heard her say,"Enki, you do not have to take care of Laurance, he is no longer with us."  I kept on running. I summoned a boat but I couldn't, my powers were gone. She was nice enough to let me keep my clothes and weapons. I built myself a boat. I sailed off to a far away land, where nobody can find me. 

~~Irene's point of view~~

"Enki, tell Aphmau about Laurance. I will keep an eye on him." I ordered Enki. He teleported to Aphmau. I sent dangers toward Laurance and he's still standing. This can't be happening, is my ship sinking? No I must stay strong.

~~Aphmau's point of view~~

I spoke with Enki. "So he thinks I kissed Vincent?" I asked. "Yes but we don't know why, maybe some sort of magics is blocking our view of what happened." Enki explained. "Thanks and say Hi to Irene for me?"  "No problem!" he disappeared. I can't believe this. "So is Laurance going to ok?" asked Alex. "Yeah is he going to be ok? I want to show him how I can slice off all the limbs of the training dummy." giggled Alice. "Yeah he's going to be ok...hopefully." I muttered. "YAY I will train more!" Alice ran out. "I will keep on flirting for Laurance." Alex ran out to all the girls. "Please Irene, bring back Laurance, I want my Laurance back." I prayed.

~~Laurance's point of view~~

I needed to stay here for a year so that I could forget all the memories. I will never forgive Aphmau.


T^T WHAT DID I JUST WRITE? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA anyways I hope you guys cried, I mean liked it and if you did then GET OUT, I mean comment about how sad this was and follow me to cry with me as well *sniffs* and as always DRAGONS CRY!!!!!! *CRIES* AND I AIN'T BEING FUNNY, I AM BEING SO SAD RIGHT NOW, MICHI I HATE YOU SO MUCH, COME OVER HERE! WAIT NO DON'T GO OVER HERE, APHMAU I NEED COMFORTING. *ME AND APHMAU CRIES TOGETHER* WAAAAAAAAA LAURMAU IS SINKING!

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