Romeo and Juliet?

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Just like in MyStreet but instead of Aaron getting the part, Laurance gets the part because oh wait oops spoilers... XD I forgot what Romeo and Juliet was uh oh...

~~Laurance's point of view~~

Katelyn told the whole town about her play and only 5 girls and 5 boys were auditioning for Romeo and Juliet and some people auditioned for the other roles. The five girls were Aphmau, Kawaii~Chan, Michi, Grace, and Lucinda and the five boys were Me, Dante, Garroth, Travis, and Brendan. I'm guessing Brendan wants to smooch Kawaii~Chan still. The girls went first and the boys and I went to see the auditions. "Okay Kawaii~Chan you are up." Katelyn said. Kawaii~Chan said her lines in third person. "NEXT!' yelled Katelyn. "But Katelyn~Sama why?" asked Kawaii~Chan. "Because you say your lines in third person, YOU.CAN'T.DO.THAT. NEXT!" yelled Katelyn. "Nya~ get out of my way Crying~Chan." laughed Michi. She started to say her lines but Katelyn just said next. "Fine then I didn't want to kiss Romeo anyways." Michi said as she walked away. Lucinda was next. She said her lines in a boring voice. "Sorry Lucinda but that voice was just boring. NEXT!" yelled Katelyn.  Grace was next. I nudged Garroth. Grace sang her lines. "This isn't a musical! NEXT!" yelled Katelyn. Aphmau was next. Garroth nudged me. Aphmau said her lines in a soothing voice. I instantly fell in love with her again. Garroth told the others that I want Aphmau to myself. I punched Garroth. "Hey where are you guys going?" asked Katelyn. Garroth motioned toward me. "ooohhhhh got it." winked Katelyn. "Then I guess Aphmau has the part. And Laurance has the part." she winked toward me. I couldn't wait until we kiss.

~~Time Skip (where me and Aphmau kiss)~~ 

After what happened, we kissed, it was a long and passionate kiss, everybody was clapping and yelling,"LAURMAU! LAURMAU! LAURMAU!" I could tell Aphmau was blushing. When it was over, all of the cast changed into their normal clothes. Aphmau sighed as she bumped into me. "Hello Princess Tomato." I joked. "Can we go outside?" Aphmau asked. "Sure." I answered. I met her outside. "So wh-" she kissed me. It was a long and passionate kiss just like in the play. A heart covered us. "Laurance" Aphmau said in a soothing voice. "Huh?" I let go of her and I looked around. It was red. It had the words "Can you help me with a song I'm working on?"  "I will help you." I answered.

~~Aphmau's room~~

So after we were done with our song she sang it out loud in a soothing voice

My Crush by Laurance and Aphmau

(Laurance= underline and Aphmau=slanted and both=both)

I never saw a beautiful girl

until I met you

I was alone, in the darkness

until I met you

When we were together,

we were able to do everything

but when I saw you with another man

I got jealous and I was in anger

when you thought wrong

I was heart broken

I was in the darkness once more

but when I was too angry

I killed her

So thats why we are always together, Forever

~~After the song~~

The song just repeats and when we were done singing, she was sleeping on my shoulder. She is adorable when she is sleeping. Then she started to dream. "Ice cream... sandwiches... Laurance sucks at flirting... Garroth sucks at making out with my sister..." I looked at her, I sucked at flirting? Heh Garroth sucks at making out. I summoned a marker and I drew on her face. It had the words, "Garroth was here, Dante was here, Laurance is awesome at flirting." I chuckled as I drew those words on her face. 

~In the morning~

"AHHHHHHHHHH" screamed Aphmau. I laughed. "GARROTH! DANTE! LAURANCE!" screamed Aphmau. uh oh I saw Aphmau running toward me so I ran for my life then I saw Dante and Garroth running too. "Why are you guys running?" I asked them. "I drew on Grace's face." Garroth said. "I drew on Nicole's face." admitted Dante. "I drew on Aphmau's face." I ran faster. Nicole and Grace captured Garroth and Dante. "SACRIFICES MUST BE MADE!" I laughed. Then Aphmau was in front of me. Oh crud...


The "sacrifices must be made" was from SkydoesMinecraft you should go subscribe to him because he's funny and awesome but I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did then please comment and follow me to see more of this and as always DRAGONS UNITE!!!!!!!

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