The King And Queen Rise

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You do not need to figure out what it says because it doesn't say anything and you will see why I put a song up there... 

~~Laurance's point of view~~

I was reading a book about how the King dragon had three heads and is impossible to beat and after a few pages it goes to the Queen dragon which is fully black and is impossible to beat as well. Suddenly, I felt rumbling from afar but I ignored it. When it rumbled again, I looked outside and it was like the book came true, the King and Queen has risen. I teleported to Aphmau and told her to get the most powerful people in all of this village, she understood why so she went to Katelyn, then to Grace, then to Garroth, then to Travis, then to Aaron, then to Dante, then to Lucinda, then to Zane, then she came back with all them behind her. I called to Irene mentally. A bright light appeared around me. "You called?" asked Irene from behind. "Irene we need your help, the King and Queen dragons have risen and in the book that I've read, 10 people with the help of Irene can defeat the King and Queen if they work together. So can you help us with our weapons or armor or anything?" I asked Irene. "I can do more than that..." she snapped her fingers. "Wait hold up if you are battling the King and Queen then you have to invite me!" yelled a familiar voice. "TheDragonScale101!" exclaimed Aphmau. "Yup and change that 10 people to 11 people because I'm helping!" TheDragonScale101 answered. I crossed out 10 and I wrote 11. "Is that your book?" asked TheDragonScale101. "Yeah I bought it." I answered. Then Aphmau turned into a battle angel and she had received a Sword of the Angels. Then Katelyn had turned into the legendary Scratch and she had gotten the Claws of Death. Grace then turned into an Animal Caller and she had gotten a book to summon animals. Garroth turned into his Jury of Nine form and he still has that sword from the Jury of Nine. Travis turned into a Purple Demon and he has gotten his dad's sword. Aaron turned into the Silent Shadow and he received the Sword of the Shadows. Dante transformed into the Red Wielder and he has received the Katanas of Shad. Lucinda has transformed into an Ice Mage and she has the Staff of Ice. Zane transformed into his Shadow Priest form and he is holding the Sword of Pure Darkness. TheDragonScale101 turned into the Dragon Bows-woman and she received the Bow of the Dragons. I turned into a Shadow Knight Angel and I received the Sword of the Shadow Angels. "Whoa how..." "I turned all of you into a stronger form of you guys and now you guys can battle the King and Queen." Irene explained as she looked around for the dragons. "Lets go kick some dragon butt!" I laughed.

~~During the battle (PLAY THE MUSIC ABOVE! after the song is done you can stop the video or you can listen to Lachlan's thing)~~ 

Katelyn battled the zombies while Grace battled the spiders. Garroth battled the endermen while Travis battled the creepers. Aaron battled the skeletons while Dante battled the silverfish. Lucinda battled the witches while Zane battled the shadow souls. Me, Aphmau, and TheDragonScale101 tried to battle the dragons but they were too powerful. "I'll summon my dragon army!" TDS101 said. She called to her dragon army. "These two dragons can't be under my control because they are more powerful than me, I can only control these dragons but not the King and Queen." TDS101 yelled. "We can take over from here just help the others!" I yelled. She nodded and her dragon army folled her commands. "Okay Aphmau you take Queen, I take King." I yelled. "Alright!" Aphmau went to the Queen and I went to the King. "Wait I know what we are doing wrong, we are not working together, call the others!" I yelled to Aphmau. Aphmau went toward TheDragonScale101 and she told her to command her dragons to pick up everybody. The dragons picked up everybody and they flew toward me. "So what do we do?" Garroth asked. "Me,Aphmau,TheDragonScale101,Katelyn, and Aaron will take the Queen. Zane,Garroth,Grace,Travis,and Dante take the King while Lucinda will figure out a spell to take down both the King and Queen." I explained. Everybody nodded. I jumped onto the middle head of the King and I stuck my sword in it then Aphmau jumped onto the head sticking her sword to one of the other heads.TheDragonScale101 shot her arrow into the middle head.Then Aaron went on the left head and he stuck his sword in it. Katelyn scratched the right head and Aphmau told Katelyn to hold down the sword and Katelyn did. Aphmau jumped to my head and she pushed down the sword with me. I looked at our hands touching, I looked at her, she was determined to kill the King but I don't know why. I saw the queen drop down. I saw Grace and Garroth doing the same thing that me and Aphmau were doing, holding the same sword. Lucinda has the spell ready. As the King and Queen reached the ground, Lucinda chanted the spell. Then the two dragons turned into two dragon eggs. TheDragonScale101 grabbed the two dragon eggs. "Who wants these two eggs?" She asked. Nobody answered. "I will take the King dragon egg." I called out. "I will have the Queen dragon egg." Aphmau called. "Okay and you can hatch these two eggs but don't worry as long as you don't give them too much diamonds or else we have to do this again." Lucinda explained. Me and Aphmau nodded. 


They defeated the King and Queen? WOO but please subscribe to Aphmau or Lachlan because they are both so awesome but I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did then please comment and follow me to see more of this and as always DRAGONS UNITE!!!! By the way TDS101 means TheDragonScale101.

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