Part 4

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Richard and I took a seat at the bar and waited for the band to begin playing.

The Cavern started to slowly fill in with people and within 5 minutes the place was packed.

A man stepped out and announced that the band is about to play. A few girls let out a scream and the boys stepped out.

John started to sing and look around the place. Our eyes locked and we both had huge smiles. But when his eyes left mine they met Richards and Johns smile faded. 'Does he think Ritchie is my boyfriend?' I thought.

The boys played great that night and walked off the stage. Like always I stayed behind this time to see if I could talk to John.

Richard and I were in mid conversation when John came out.

"You never told me you had a boyfriend. If I knew I wouldn't have kissed you last night." John tried to whisper but failed because I could tell Richard heard.

"Rose? He kissed you." Richard said a little annoyed.

"Wait! Before we jump to conclusions here, John this is Richard my older brother. Richard this is John."

John had a look of relief on his face as he went to shake my brothers hand.

"Well I'm going to go Rose. Have fun." He smiled and walked out.

John and I walked over to the bar to get some drinks.

"So would you like to come over tonight and maybe watch a film?" John asked.

"Of course."

John and I talked and sipped on our drinks together. I never got tired of talking to him.

"Let's get going shall we?"

"We shall." I giggled.

We walked to his place and just enjoyed each others company. Our fingers were intertwined with each other and my head rested on his big shoulder.

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