Part 14

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I was wrapped up in Johns warm hug. He was hugging me like I had to leave.

"You know I didn't really mean to hurt you?"

"Of course John I know you wouldn't ever hurt me on purpose."

He let out a big sigh and looked at my eyes.

"Were going to have a little baby to take care of." he beamed.

"That's right Johnny."

"Say, why don't we go out to celebrate? Around 7 o'clock."

" Where to?"

He turned around at the door frame.

"That my lovely is a surprise."

I got up and looked at the clock. It was half past noon. I didn't have any clothes or makeup so I called up Amy to see if she wanted to help me.



"Hi Amy!"

" Rose! I've missed you! When are you coming home?"

"I don't know. But I was calling to see if we could go shopping. I need to get some nice clothes."

"Of course! I'll meet you at Johns in 1 hour. Bye!"

The other line silenced with a click. Since I had an hour to kill I decided to go call Ritchie and tell him that I cant come back.

I dialed his number and twisted the cord around my finger waiting for an answer.

"Rose!?" he sounded like he was crying.

"Richard what's wrong?"

"It's dad, he finally did it."

I dropped the phone and fell to my knees. Hot tears came streaming down my cheeks.

'He did it. He told me after mum died he wouldn't. But he did"

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