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My vision is blurry and I can't seem to think straight.

He told me he wouldn't let his drinking get in the way of his life but he did.


I could see John run from the other side of the room over to me. He kneeled down and held me.

"Rosie love? What's wrong?"

I could barely choke out the words.

"My dad." I managed to get out.

"Rose is he ok?" He held me tighter and his eyes seemed to be more cloudy.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"He shot himself."

I completely broke down again. It felt like something was ripping at my heart. I couldn't believe he did this.

"Rosie I'm going to bring you to your brother. He needs you and you need him right now."

I felt Johns arms wrap around me and pick me up. He carried me through the house.

He opened the door and walked outside. The brisk air felt like a wall. He got me into the car and started it up.

The headlights lighting up the road reminded me when my father took me driving for the first time.

I guess sometimes people break promises. Some are just too hard to keep.


Thanks to everyone who has voted and read my story!
If you could I would like some feedback on this story so I know what I can improve on.

Peace and Love!-KRP

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