Jar of Hearts

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hey guys so yea updating remember VOTES and I really dont care bout comments so yeah. ENJOY :) my #Love_Birds ♡♥ yall , spread the peace - Mia

Kendra POV


I woke up like god why am I having these crazy dreams. Like what is going on with me , like should I go to the doctor. No they will think im crazy. I dont even work there we live in L.A. not NYC and like its 2013 that happened in 2001.......I looked at the clock 3:00. I rose out of my bed and went to the bathroom.

I cut on the water and put some on my face. I turned off the bathroom light , then I went down the hall to check on Dakota she was wide awake.

Me - Dakota why you up so early???

Dakota - Mommy me had a bwad dream.

Me - Aww its ok come here wanna get a snack??

Dakota - Ok

I grabbed her hand and I went downstairs I put some cookies in the oven and warmed some milk on the stove. My mom used to do this , it used to be so good. I decided to ask Dakota what her dream was about

Me - Dakota baby , what was your dream about?

Dakota - You , and dwaddy got hurt by bad boy Daniel.

Daniel , that echoed in my head for so long , I did not hear Dakota calling me

Dakota - Mwommy!!

Me - Shhh im here mommy and daddy not gone get hurt ok??

Dakota - Ok

I nodded and took the cookies out the oven , I poured the pan of milk into her sippi cup and then I put 2 cookies onto the plate. We ate in silence and then we walked back upstairs.

Me - You need to go pee pee

Dakota - Yea

Me - Ok go in my room

She ran in our room and used the bathroom , she came out I had to make sure she washed her hands ok she did. I tucked her in and kissed her forhead.

Me - Goodnight I love you

Dakota - Love you to mwommy * falling asleep *

I walked out closing the door behind me. I sat her baby moniter on my dresser and got under the covers. I played in Chres little curls , and I stared at him he wrapped his hands around my waist and I fell asleep to his heartbeat. I remember when I did that when I was going through a rough time.


I woke up early as usual , I looked in the bed Chres was right next to me , I got up did my hygiene and then I opened the door to go check on Dakota. When I looked in her bed.



Just a filler chapter , next one 2mo will be longer and NO MORE DREAMS ANYTIME SOON LOL BIE

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