Chapter Eleven

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I walk slowly dwindling on what to say to Peeta when I get to his chambers. I didn't want to scare him I mean we're not even together officially we just flirt and kiss. Although I want it to be more, I don't want to rush like this. I don't want to get married now, not just because my boyfriend is going into the arena. Bu if it helps him then I will do it, if it helps him come back t me then I can do it right. We can get married district 12 style.

Before knew it, I was in the elevator on my way to thir floor, the pent house. I was shitting it. Prim was going to be there and I'm going to feel really bad for sending her away so Ican talk to Peeta alone. It's as if I'm choosing him over her which I am not. I love them both in two completely different ways. I am in love with Peeta and I love Prim because she's my baby sister.

I got to the pent house and my breathing was becoming rapid, I was nervous I didn't know how to tell him he was being forced into marrying me. Even if he does love me, it doesn't mean he wants to marry me. I see them all laughing while watching something on the screen. I smiled an leaned against the door watching Prim curl up onto Peeta's lap while he played with her hair. I could see her eyes slowly drooping as she fell asleep.

"Hey." I said making myself known but not speaking loud enough to disturb Prim from her sleep.

"Oh Hey. What are you doing here?" Peeta asked shifting Prim into a comfier position.

"I need to speak to you and Haymitch Privately. Courtesy of President Snow." Just by saying that, Effie was on her feet heels clattering against the floor as she grabbed Misha and pulled her from the room muttering something about honouring the president. I snickered.

"Okay, You go find Haymitch and I'll go put Prim into her bed. Meet back here." I nodded and wondered off in search of Haymitch.

I walked into his room without knocking and saw his floor full of empty liquor bottles but there was no sign of Haymicth. I looked in every inch of his room even if bathroom that was adjoined to his room. I could smell the strong liquor and I wrinkled my nose. I wasn't used to that type of odour.

"What are you doing in my room?" I heard a scratchy voice say from behind me. I whipped around and saw Haymitch staggering towards his bed and collapsing on top of it.

"I was looking for you. I need to speak to you and Peeta about a wish that President Snow wants granted." He groaned. I could tell he hated Snow just as much as me. I could tell he didn't want to do anything involving the president. Making him mentor kids that go and die in the arena is a punishment.

"Where is lover boy?" He asked. I decided to ignore the nickname and continue one not wanting to waste much time. After all, he was going ring shopping tomorrow.

"He's meeting us in the living quarters, he's just put my sister into bed." I explained and pulled him up by his arm and he was staggering behind me out the room and into the living quarters throwing himself down next to Peeta. I took a seat opposite them and looked at their faces staring back at me.

"I don't want you to freak out when I tell you what Snow wants to happen. I don't know if I want it to happen, but Snow has ordered it and is planning already. I was only told this earlier today but President Snow is pushing the games back by 3 days." Peeta looked a little relieved but I could tell Haymitch new there was a reason behind it. "President Snow thinks that Peeta and I should get married." I said and looked straight at Peeta. She smiled a small smile before Haymitch Spoke up.


"Because he thinks it'll increase his chances in the arena with Sponsors because everyone in the capitol loes a good wedding." I explained.

"But if e dies there won't be a wedding and he can't force you both into this." He protested.

"Look, we don't have a choice. We either get engaged or Peeta's dies in that arena because president Snow will make that happen. Even if I'm the head game maker." I said and slouched in my seat. Peeta had yet to say something.

"Peeta?" Haymitch asked for his opinion.

"Sure, lets get married. I don't mind." He said and stood up walking out and down the hall, I watched him go and then turned to look at Haymitch.

"Okay, President Snow told me to tell you that tomorrow you and Peeta will be going ring shopping, getting an engagement ring for me. Two Peacekeepers are to accompany you. Peeta is then to propose on the interview that Cesar has with The president. I hope you can talk Peeta around to agreeing to this or he will die in that arena and I can't lose him Haymitch. I love him." I said I began to sound desperate and selfish near the end.

"I'll see what I can do, Go have a rest sweetheart. You can stay here if you want. Sleep in Peeta's bed and if he doesn't like it he can sleep out here." He said. I nodded, I needed to speak to Peeta and this might be my only chance.

I walked down the hall to Peeta's room and walked in without knocking. Peeta was laid on his bed shirtless staring at the ceiling. "Peeta?" I asked and he turned his head slowly. "Can I sleep in here tonight?" I asked and he nodded patting he space beside him. I laid down cuddling into him snuggling under the sheets feeling his body heat warming me.

"You know, I don't think it's that bad that I'm marrying you. I would rather marry than someone else. I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I mumbled falling into a deep sleep where everything in this world was fair and without a president like Snow.

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