~ Chapter 1 ~

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"Okay, so, today's plan is with these two titans, the blonde haired Puppet and the tall brown-haired Jeff, and of course you, Eren," Hanji rambles on looking into my green eyes. The cold autumn rain pours over my group's coats, and I sigh in disappointment as (Y/N) is on her day off. 

My group in the Scouting Legion for training, titan testing and cleaning consists of myself, Bertholdt, Reiner, Christa, Ymir, Jean, Sasha, Conny, my best friend Armin and my sister Mikasa. It also consists of the girl of my dreams, (F/N) (L/N). 

Her (H/C) hair blows so gently, and her (E/C) eyes glisten in the sun...I've loved her since the day I met her in the cadets, but I've never had the guts to tell her how I feel. 

For some reason she has a love for titans too- a cute quirk in her personality that shows her compassion for something so murderous and evil...if she likes titans then surely I have some chance. 

As Hanji is in the middle of explaining today's Titan experiment, Commander Erwin and Captain Levi come towards our group of bored expressions.

"Oh, hello Levi, Erwin," Hanji greets the two males while thunder rattles above our heads. 

"Hanji, if lightning strikes you'll have to stop the experiments," Erwin tells her. 

"But I needed Eren to transform," She whined, everyone shooting glances at me. 

"What?" I stutter, regretting not listening to Hanji's boring titan talk. 

"Eren, someone will stand in front of Jeff and I want Jeff to pick them up and put them in danger. I will release Puppet at the same time to capture his reaction to a titan killing a human. You will be in those woods and will try to transform from their cry of help." Hanji explains clearly.

I nod wide eyed, as Hanji smirks in reply to my agreement. 

"Now who wants to volunteer?" Hanji looks around at the group of teenagers. We all exchange awkward glances and look down to our feet. "Levi?" Hanji suggests.  

"I only came to give you a warning about the weather," Levi barks. 

"Where's (Y/N)?" Hanji looks around the group. 

"She has today off," I tell Hanji. 

"Oh, what a shame, I'm sure she wouldn't have minded being up close with Jeff," Hanji looks defeated. 

"Can't we just invite her down?" I mumble, missing her smiling face and enthusiasm. 

"Someone's got a crush," Erwin rolls his eyes.

"I do not!" I feel a shade of red dust over my cheeks. 

"You so do," Sasha argues. 

My lips form a scowl as the rain beats down on us. "So what?!" I snap. There is silence and for a moment the only sound heard is the rain that continues to fall from the sky. 

"I'll go get (Y/N) now, Hanji." Levi says, ready to take his leave with Erwin. 

"All of you, please don't tell her! I want to tell her myself," I mutter as bravely as I can. 

"There's a Scouting Legion ball coming up, Eren." Hanji informs me. "You'll be able to dance with her then, oh how cute," She wanders off in her own thoughts. 

"She might not even like you, Jaeger," Jean snaps. 

"Shut up, horse face, you think I don't know that?" I growl. 

"Calm down," Armin comes in between us. 

I sigh defeated and look down at my feet. 

"Okay Eren, we'll get (Y/N) to come now so if you don't mind go deep into the woods and you should hear a scream. If you can, transform to save her, and if you can't, don't panic and make your way back." Hanji instructs me. 

I walk deep into the woods and hear my boots squelch in the mud beneath my feet. Jean didn't need to point out that (Y/N) might not like me, because I know that. I couldn't be lucky enough to have someone as beautiful and sweet as her like me. 


Cut Deep (Eren x Reader ft. Titan Eren) Eren's Point of ViewWhere stories live. Discover now