~ Chapter 7 ~

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With those words, Jean stormed off out the room, brushing past my shoulder gently as if I wasn't there.

"Way to go Eren," Armin scolded me. I can't reply feeling the stabbing guilt that was my last words.

Marco was one of my best friends, and he died in the field of battle. He was deserving of love, and I can't believe I denied him that in that moment.

"Marco's dead? What were you thinking?" Armin continues, walking over to me and holding onto my chin. He moves my eyes to face his, which are glistening in the room's lighting.

"Marco was more deserving of love and life than any of us. And he's gone...all because of those monsters. We couldn't save him...not you, not I, not Bertholdt, Reiner, Annie or any single one of us!" I say, starring back into dripping blue eyes. 

Armin smiles and then sits down next to and we both stare down at the floor for a while, silence allowing us to cool down the heat that was the tension in the air. 

"(Y/N)'s cute, Eren." Armin breaks the static, turning to me. "And I think she'd really like to go out with you too,"

"Really?" I ask, scratching the back of my neck. 

"I'm one of her best friends, you dumbass. She's delicate...but also brave as anyone here. She likes to draw, write, and has both her parents waiting for her to come home. You have to take good care of her. She's like how you are to Mikasa...to me. I want to protect her but know what makes her happy. She'll be happy with you."

I can't keep a smile off my face that aches as I rub my red cheeks. Just imagining how happy we could all be fighting titans together...taking back humanity...

Except one thought keeps crawling in the back of my head. I need to be considerate of (Y/N)'s feelings. 

"Armin..." I begin to say, as he continues to talk about (Y/N). 

"Y'know her name means (Y/N/Meaning)? And she has such a quirky giggle, and I'm pretty sure she's told me she not as innocent as she seems-"

"Armin!" I cut off his train of thought. He giggles with soft curtains of blonde draped over his eyes.

"Guess I got carried away there huh..." Armin admits. I stare at the wall, because that's all I needed, someone else crushing on (Y/N) who had more chance than me.

Super sensing my gut feeling, Armin chuckles, "I'm not built that way Eren, I don't like (Y/N) like you do," 

Raising my eyebrow, Armin rolls his eyes and sniffles a "Do I need a label?" just when I spot Mikasa walking down the hallway. Ignoring Armin's speech of sexualities, I run out to go chase her in the case something went wrong.

"Mikasa!" I call out, her swift movements towards me cause my heart to race.

"Yes Eren?" She soothes, obviously forgetting the real reason why I'm suddenly so interested to talk to her. 

"How'd it go...?" I say slowly, carefully choosing my words. And with that, I watch her bite her lip and my stomach drops. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2018 ⏰

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Cut Deep (Eren x Reader ft. Titan Eren) Eren's Point of ViewWhere stories live. Discover now