~ Chapter 6 ~

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Walking into my dorm, I spot that stupid Jean Kirstein on my bed, engaging in a conversation with Armin who is wearing pyjamas that *literally* match his eyes. As best a scout he is, he sure can look pretty innocent at times. 

"Get off my bed Jean," I mutter, sitting next to him as I take a drink from the nightstand. 

"Who invited you?" 

"It's my fucking room!" I mock, not needing this argument at this time of night. 

"Woah calm down buddy," Armin soothes, chucking me a plush pillow. "We're just having a cute discussion about the sick dancing that's going down at the Scout ball..."

"Shut up Armin," Jean muses, snatching the pillow from my grip and chucking it back. 

"Well okay Mr. Too-scared-to-ask-out-Mikasa-"

"What?" I snap, turning to the horse faced loser that wants to get with my sister. 

"Armin!" Jean's eyes widen, and just as the tension rises in the room, none other than Bertholdt and Reiner march in, standing over the light in the hallway to cast titan sized shadows on the floor. 

"So which one of you suckers is taking who?" Reiner grunts, smirking over at Jean and I. 

"No one," We say in unison, immediately turning heads at each other in an aggressive stare off.

"Woah, woah did we interrupt something...?" Bertholdt quivers, his hand on Reiners shoulder. 

"No," We chorus again, Armin rolling his eyes. 

"Who's taking Mikasa?" Reiner asks with absolutely no filter, and I watch as Jean turns pinker than Armin's nightgown. I look at him with raised brows, waiting him to just boast about her, so I have an excuse to tell him off for it. 

"Well? No one...?" Reiner teases, watching our anger bubble up inside. 

"Jean was going too," Armin shrugs, obviously done with everyone's shit.

"Armin!" Jean yells across the room, standing up over him. My brotherly instincts kick in immediately and I stand up next to Jean, my hand grabbing his forearm. 

"Leave Armin out of this!" 

"What about (Y/N)?" Bertholdt says and everyone turns to his tall frame, hunched over as he smiles to the floor.  "She's really sweet and I'm sure she'd love one of you to ask her out," 

My body falls back onto the bed as a wave of anxiety washes over me, thinking of how soft her body felt in my hand. She is really sweet but I'm terrified of her heart belonging to someone else, particularly Armin or Jean. Jean is a great person and I'm sure he'd take great care of my sister, but I want to take care of (Y/N). Can I be selfish for once?

"I like (Y/N)," I squeeze my eyes shut and say aloud, the millionth awkward silence falling onto the room.

"Doi," Armin coos, causing Reiner and Bertholdt to try to hold in chuckles. 

"I really like (Y/N)," I admit out loud. "Only Mikasa knows, so you all need to shut up until I get the courage to say something," I look over at Armin as he gives me a nod of approval. 

"Marco liked (Y/N) too," Jean chips in, jealously filling my head. Maybe (Y/N) would have rathered Marco.

"That was unnecessary, Jean," I grunt. 

"I'm just saying, she was held in high regard-"

"And what you don't think she's deserving of me?" I snap back, Reiner and Bertholdt gritting their teeth. 

"We might just go..."

"Fuck you, Jean," I shove his stupid chest, "You're just pissed because no one likes you, no one will ever like you, especially not Mikasa!" 

"Marco's the one that deserved (Y/N) Jaeger! YOU DESERVE NO ONE!" Jean pushed me back onto the bed.

"MARCO'S DEAD!" I yell, and when silence fills the room, I regret every word. 

Cut Deep (Eren x Reader ft. Titan Eren) Eren's Point of ViewWhere stories live. Discover now