~ Chapter 4 ~

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Sitting at the dining room table next to my best friend Armin, I try not to look frantically round for (Y/N), her gorgeous (E/C) eyes that light up with every word I say. I check my watch to see that it's only ten to five, with only a few people just arriving.  

"Hey Armin..." I mutter nervously, for some reason my stomach tickling the words that come out of my mouth. "Where's (Y/N)? Was she okay after today?" 

He nods and smiles at the hot red blush that creeps on my face as I see (Y/N) walk into the hall, staring up at the big clock. 

"All right kiddos everyone gather round!" Hanji called out to us. I tried not to get up with too much excitement as I walked up to (Y/N), only for her to turn around to Jean and start chatting. Stupid horse faced jerk.

After Hanji discussed today's training, we all returned to the table and I tried to sit next to (Y/N) to get to talk to her. We haven't talked much and I'd really love to get to know her...maybe even more...but then of course Armin has to squish in next to us. 

"Scouts!" Levi's voice echoes around the hall, and I look up to listen to my hero's-...I mean commander's speech. 

"It's that time of year again- for our Scout Ball. This will occur in a weeks time in the Ball Room, on Saturday. This year you are not allowed to bring anyone who isn't in the Scouting Regimen. This isn't compulsory, but know if you do come we will be having a slow dance towards the end, which you will need to have a partner for." He said, my heart galloping at the idea of a night to spend all dressed up and hopefully get (Y/N) to fall in love with me...

"(Y/N), who are you going to go with?" My sister yells across the table to (Y/N), her face lit up with excitement. 

She murmurs a quiet response that didn't have my name in it and my heart sinks a bit, so I just continue eating quietly as everyone begins discussing the night. After a while, everyone starts to leave until only Armin and (Y/N) are left at the table, and awkwardly I try to make conversation.

"(Y/N), I didn't see you there!" I smile stupidly, noticing Mikasa still at the table with a stoic expression. Turning around, I watch as Jean starts chatting up another scout, someone unrecognisable and anger bubbles up inside of me. 

Mikasa has made me aware of her crush on Jean before, and I can't let her be heartbroken like this. I bite my lip as I really want to ask (Y/N) out, but the consequential "No thanks," will shatter me. 

"Mikasa," I say slowly. No...I can't do this yet...not in front of (Y/N)...

Nervously trying to find an excuse, I spot a mark on her scarf.

"Your scarf has food on it," I gulp, her grey eyes looking down. 

"It seems it does," She almost whispered, rubbing it off. I breathe a mental sigh of relief as I watch (Y/N)'s face, to which my surprise was an almost identical one to my own. 


Author's note 29.7.18:

Updated it FINALLY! 

*Skip to the fourth paragraph if you'd only like to see updates on this story*

First of all, when I wrote Cut Deep I was 15, finishing 9th grade (Freshman year), single, a fucking otaku/weeb and was in a totally different spot to where I am now.

I've watched heaps of anime/shows since then (unfortunately my passion with Attack on Titan isn't as strong), been in several different relationships and watched others disappear, came out to (myself?) and have developed into nearly a young woman at 18 in a month. I'm in my last year of high school and am trying to find the motivation for studying to become a computer designer/ marketing/ not really sure. It's been really tough for me in the last year and a bit and some mistakes led to others...but I'm okay now.

I love creating and I love writing, but school has crushed my passion for things like drawing and writing, but I will never forget what two stories have done to me.

Thank you. I appreciate every, single, one of you, that reads, comments, votes, shares, any one of my stories, especially Cut Deep (both versions). I know I'm not active at all on Wattpad, but I still get emails of every comment, every vote, and although I sit silently it warms my heart. There is no way in my wildest dreams I could ever imagine to get this far and I'm so grateful to every single one of you.

I can't promise that I'll update often, heck, when I first started writing in the Summer holidays of 2015/2016 I surprised myself to finish Cut Deep but unfortunately didn't surprise myself when I didn't get to finish the second. 

So many authors leave books unfinished and un-updated its a meme, and for me I'm one of them. Sorry. 

I also had commissions in 2015 of art I didn't finish, as well as story commissions in 2013 I didn't finish. I wanted this to be different. 

Alot of my other non-Attack on Titan stories are also just quick smutty things I'd write for friends, and I'm not proud that I couldn't keep this account active and perfect like I wanted to. 

TLDR; I will try to update this story. Even if it's once a month, or a few times after November (graduation). I can't promise it, but I love everyone who surrounds this story and gives me the motivation and love to write and create. 



Cut Deep (Eren x Reader ft. Titan Eren) Eren's Point of ViewWhere stories live. Discover now