~ Chapter 5 ~

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After dinner, I walk up to my room that I share with Armin and slump onto my bed, an audible grunt erupting from my pillow as I landed face first onto it.

"Oh what happens to be the matter, Eren?" Armin mutters sarcastically, annoyed at my moaning for attention. I sit up and look at him, his eyes telling me he already knows everything that's wrong.

"Let me guess, you were being a dummy again and couldn't work up the courage to ask (Y/N) out?" He smirks, sitting on his bed and taking off his boots.

"Courage? I'm full of courage," I spit, biting my lip as Armin begins to laugh. 

"Courage of killing mass destructive creatures that are threatening our livelihood, and courage of asking out a girl that you've been goggling over for months is a lot different," He says, grabbing his pyjamas to go shower. Walking off, he leaves the door open to which I see (Y/N) walk past to her own room, my heart pounding as her hair bounces alongside glowing cheeks. 

Sasha follows after her, humming with a pocky in her mouth and without a second thought I run out of the room to follow her...she might be going to (Y/N)'s room. 

"Sasha!" I call out, to which she turns around swinging her ponytail a full 180 degrees. 

"What's up?" She asks, and just as I begin to tell her not to worry, my sister Mikasa is by my side.

"What's wrong Eren?" Her cool monotone voice fills the air, and Sasha shrugs and walks off.

"Thanks a lot Mikasa!" I snap unnecessarily, thinking of if it was (Y/N) instead. If Mikasa keeps scaring everyone off, how am I supposed to ever end up with (Y/N)? 

"Eren, tell me what's wrong. Is it (Y/N)?" Mikasa's icy words struck me and I stutter. "She hasn't been well since today, we all can tell. Do you want me to speak to her?" 

Mentally relieved, I then fear for what could be nasty between a long time friend and a crush that melts my heart, causing me to bite my lip. 

"She might be still shaken up from today, it's probably best I go speak to her," Mikasa decides, beginning to walk over to where (Y/N) stays. 

"Be careful," I murmur, placing a hand on her shoulder. Raising an eyebrow, she turns around and smirks. 

"What could go wrong?" She sneers, probably offended. "You think I'd scare off your little crush?" 

I angrily stare back at her blank face until she cracks a smile, and begins to laugh. 

"What's so funny?!" I growl, embarrassed. 

"Listen Eren. (Y/N) is a beautiful girl and the last thing you want is for her to worry about me. I don't think you helped your situation by nearly asking me to the dance tonight," 

It's my turn to raise an eyebrow, and then I smile and give her a hug. "Thank you Mikasa," 

"All good, just make sure you actually ask her next time the discussion comes round? No whimping it out, grow some ovaries," I pull out of the hug as she gives me a wink with a straight face.

Watching her walk up to (Y/N)'s room I wait nervously as she enters, taking my own leave to shower and get ready for bed. 

Cut Deep (Eren x Reader ft. Titan Eren) Eren's Point of ViewWhere stories live. Discover now