~ Chapter 2 ~

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I stand against a tree where I consider to be deep enough in the woods to be hidden from the rest of my group. I hear a gentle hum of conversation and then Hanji greeting someone. I hear a gentle voice I recognise as (Y/N)'s.

"What? Why me?" I hear a panicked voice. I take a step closer to hear clearly as fear rattles inside me. She obviously has worked out the suicidal test and doesn't trust that I can save her from Jeff. 

"What if I die? What if it eats me? What if-" I hear her voice cut off. I bight my bottom lip in panic and raise my right hand to my mouth. I listen to more of there mumbled conversation when I hear Jean.

"We've got your back," He soothes.

"You'll be okay!" I can hear Bertholdt call to her. 

I them hear footsteps beat underneath me, Jeff has been released from his chains. 

"DO NOT ENGAGE WITH THE TITAN UNTIL I GIVE YOU THE SIGNAL!" Hanji screams, and I feel my heart pound out of my chest. I can only hear the footsteps of a titan, I can't see (Y/N)'s panicked face at all.

"AhhhHHH!" (Y/N) screams out for help. I wait as my hand is practically sitting in my mouth, waiting to be bitten. 

"SHE IS OKAY, DO NOT ENGAGE!" Hanji yells. I don't care anymore- I chomp onto my flesh feeling the blood ooze out when I feel a tingle of shock strike my spine.

The lightning that signals my transformation forms limbs to my body and I rise in my transformation as a titan. I look through my piercing eyes and sprint to the sight, the titan grasping (Y/N) as tears run down her cheeks.

"HELP! PLEASE!" She crys and I pound a fist straight through Jeff's ugly face. I let out a gut wrenching roar as I see Reiner swoop down underneath (Y/N) to save her. The rest of my group try to put Puppet back into his chains but Conny pulls his 3DMG in a different direction causing Jean to trip. He makes a quick escape and is forced to slash Puppet, even more steam erupting into the air. 

After I ensure both titans are killed and (Y/N) is safe on a tree, I take a few steps into the woods trying to get out of my form myself. A few steps into the trees I can hear a soft whine I recognise as Hanji's annoying voice. I turn my head around to see her and the group around the slayed titan, Puppet, who obviously wasn't meant to be killed. 

I look up in the tree where (Y/N) stands and see she stands alone; all by herself with shaky legs and no 3DMG. I slowly come up behind her and my nerves tremble a hot breath onto her delicate body. She turns around and her (E/C) eyes widen, her face the definition of fear itself and falls back onto the forest floor. I reach out my arms and catch her into my palm, her lightweight body bringing comfort throughout my whole body. 

Cut Deep (Eren x Reader ft. Titan Eren) Eren's Point of ViewWhere stories live. Discover now