~ Chapter 3 ~

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"Hello, Eren," (Y/N)'s voice soothes, and I smile and reply with a shaky breath of air. I admire her blushing face and beautiful features as she scratches the back of her neck.

"Thank you for, uhm, saving me," She chuckles lightly. Lost in her beauty I realize it's probably best to let her down, so I lean down to where our group stands and place my palm on the dirt. She shyly walks off unbalanced, shaking from the shock of it all.

She begins to talk to the group as Reiner apologises for forgetting about her. Mikasa shoots me an annoyed glance and I pull my Titan's neck to the ground. Dizzy in confusion, steam is let off everywhere and sunlight shoots all around me. I lie in my Titan's nape, and with experience from testing, I pull myself out of it. 

I walk out onto the open ground and wipe the sweat off my forehead, as my sister runs up to me. 

"Eren," She whimpers. "Are you okay? Do you need to sit down?" She gives out her hand in help. I smile shyly and reject her offer. 

"I'm okay, really," 

"No, Eren, I'll help you," She disobeys my order, linking her arm in mine. I focus my attention on (Y/N), who looks over in disappointment and slight disgust from Mikasa's actions. 

"Mikasa, get OFF!" I snap, pulling out of her strong grasp. I walk over to the group, and see (Y/N), still looking slightly shaken from the previous events. 

"(Y/N)!" I try to say as calm as I can as I run over to her in excitement. 

"Eren," (Y/N) laughs, a beautiful smile lighting up her face. Lost in her eyes, I remember what has just happened. 

"Are you okay? I'm sorry I startled you beforehand..." I mutter a poor excuse of an apology. 

 "No, no, I'm okay. If it wasn't for you, Eren...I'd be dead..." (Y/N) replies. I take her words and try to process them. I'd be dead? Is she meaning to thank me for saving her life? I never thought it as something that important, something so valuable as saving the life of the girl I love.  

I lean out a place my hand on her shoulder. It's so soft and filled with love, and I can see from the expression on her heart melting face that she is enjoying my comfort. Her smile is broken when Mikasa comes up beside us and ruins a golden moment in our relationship. 

"So, what do you think will be for dinner tonight?" I ask stupidly to lighten the mood.

"The usual," Mikasa snaps coldly. 

"Dinner? When? Where?" Sasha runs up to us, Conny, Armin and Jean following.

"5 o'clock," Hanji overhears us, still scribbling in her notebook.  

"(Y/N)," Jean speaks. (Y/N) turns a light peach at the call of her name and faces the copper haired horse-face. "Lucky Jaeger saved you back there,"

"Yes, I'm very grateful," She looks down at the dirt, smiling.

"It's only because Reiner, Bertholdt, and Hanji forgot you up in the tree," Mikasa says cooly.

"You forgot her, too," I snap, causing an awkward silence to fall among us all. 

Cut Deep (Eren x Reader ft. Titan Eren) Eren's Point of ViewWhere stories live. Discover now