A Family Dinner

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Days passed, and Illoaide and Concorde often met. They usually had outings and sometimes visited Marie and her modernized mansion.

Then came one night that both families were going to have dinner at Concorde's place. Lazmondias Normandall came with Lolth, Elune and their daughter, all wearing green. They greeted Vai'Ramon Olmallotor, Corellon Larethian and their son, all wearing red, and assisted the trio in making the dinner. "If it weren't for you two," Lolth said, "all the elves wouldn't be as friendly as they were now." "Indeed," Corellon said, "the drows and all the elves are planning to unite as one race."

"You really did it," Elune said to the two, "and for that you earn maximum respect from the Deities! But your life of adventures does not stop at the Lydelian mansion, you will undergo more and more as you grow in life. Live it."

"Thank you," Concorde said to the goddess.

Just then everyone heard a knock on the door. "We'll get it!" Concorde and Illoaide said as they rushed to the door. Concorde opened it and saw Marie and Victor, both wearing orange.

"Welcome, welcome to my humble abode," Concorde said as the two went in. "What a nice mansion you have!" commented the CEO. "Our families are making dinner right now," Illoaide said to the two, "Would you like to meet them?" "Yes please," Marie replied, climbing up the wall and striking a pose as Victor took the picture.

A few minutes later, Illoaide came out with all of the family members. "Everyone, this is the new CEO of LydElectric Group of Companies," she said, "Marionette Josephine Lydelian, or simply Marie Liddell." The spider girl bowed before all of them.

"Marie, these are my parents, Lazmondias Normandall and Lolth," Illoaide said, "the CEO of Mauvole GC and the Goddess of the Drows and Spiders." "And these are mine, Vai'Ramon Olmallotor and Corellon Larethian," Concorde added, "and our friend Elune. Vai is the CEO of VR Group, Corellon Larethian is the god of the normal elves, and Elune is the goddess of the night elves." The young CEO shook hands with all of them.

"So this is the young and current CEO of LydElectrics," Lazmondias said, "We should do business together." "I do accept offers and investments, " Marie replied, handing them all out the LGC business card, "If it weren't for the two, I wouldn't be here right now. I owe it to them."

Lazmondias then said to the elder butler, "Hey I remember you!" "Victor Vlad Karam," the elder vampire butler replied, "Four Star General, Fifth Regiment." "Yeah," said the drow tycoon, "Seventh War, right? This man's a legend with close quarters combat and sharpshooting." "But I have retired from the army and have now become the butler to one of the most influential families of the generation," Victor replied, "and you, dear Lazmondias have become one of the most influential people in the business. Indeed it is good seeing an old comrade again." Lazmondias gave a hearty laugh, followed with the words, "Indeed it is, comrade."

Suddenly, Vai remembered something and said, "We were talking here for some time we forgot about preparing the dinner." "Right," Concorde added, "sooner or later, the lasagna will burn. I set it to high heat." All the adults and Victor went to the kitchen, leaving the three alone.

When the three were already alone, Marie did a facepalm, and replied, "You really are bad with the kitchen, Concorde. How can you be a good husband to Illoaide if you are like that? Perhaps you do need my assistance." "No! No!" Concorde replied, "Illoaide and my parents are good enough for me, and besides, you are a guest in the Olmallotor-Larethian mansion, so relax." "But what if---?!" Marie protested, raising a leg. "Ahp!" Illoaide replied, pressing a leg to Marie's mouth while pressing a finger to her own, a gesture among spider creatures signaling "Say no more. Just trust us." "Concorde and I will do fine," she continued, "and besides, he works well with a team. He even told me that he is improving over the days, so trust him and me."
The ex-maid then said, "Well, in that case, I'll just watch then." "That's it, Marie," Concorde said.

Just then, his mother called out, "I think the lasagna's done!" At once, the three rushed to the kitchen immediately to take the dish out of the oven.

When Concorde opened the oven, a heavenly smell wafted through the air.

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