Onward and Upward

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A white scorpion, a termite, a red ant, and a black ant crawled up to Myrrah's shoulder and towards her hand. She lifted it, and the four creatures faced her. "Hello there Pip, Tip, and Nip!" Myrrah said, "What's this little fella's name?" She touched the white scorpion as it clicked in Morse code, My name is Blip.

"Alright, Pip, Tip, Nip, Blip, what news do you bring?" The soldiers were only stunned by who your friends call Mavinde and Varricon, Pip the red ant clicked. Perhaps you could use them as an army against the Mistress, Tip the termite clicked as well. "Pip, Tip, Nip, Blip, I have a job for you," Myrrah said, "Go to Mako and Varblah and tell them to tell the soldiers that we will meet them outside." The four animals saluted, and went towards the broken window to go to them.

"Well your queen is wacko," Jack said to Targon. "Jack, she's wacko in a good way. Insects and arachnids like them speak in Morse code, and she can understand them," Targon replied. "We must go outside to meet this Mavinde and Varricon," Myrrah said.

At those words, they all left the pad and took the elevator going down? up? Welll, inverse gravity.


Meanwhile, Mako and Varblah were looking at the stunned soldiers when the four creatures stood in front of them, clicking a message. "Wait, let me try, " Mako said, and she listened. Then she said, "The stars are going down to sling up because they think we are all wussies? Well that's not very nice " The four creatures gave a facepalm and clicked the message again. Varblah listened attentively, then he said, "I get it! Myrrah and her group are coming down so that we can get an army to aid us as we go up and retake the Capital City of MetroTopiaPolis!" The four critters jumped for joy, and then, Varblah asked, "Where are they?" Turn around, Blip clicked.

At once the two leaders spun on their heels, and turned to face the Myrmidonian queen along with their friends.

"Myrrah, Targon!" Mako exclaimed as she saw the two Myrmidonians and hugged them. "We were looking everywhere for you!" Targon said, "We were supposed to, until Myrrah here gave birth to a hundred and fifty white scorpions. What happened?" "We saw Concorde and Illoaide's Mistress's ghost," Varblah replied, "and the next thing we knew, we were in scorpion territory. Now we hear from this little guy, Blip, that her army is going to ransack MetroTopiaPolis for good." "We must get it back!" Mako added, "but how?" "Indubitably, we still have back-up," Paolo said, pointing to the dazed soldiers just beginning to wake up.

Quth'thkareph and Myrrah waved their hands, and all at once the soldiers stood and formed an army in front of the two: six million Myrmidonian warriors, archers, and mages at the left and six million Scorpion assassins, gunners, and pikemen at the right. "That's how many you took out?" Jascisce said to the two, "Nice job."

One young soldier, a black emperor scorpion boy with blue eyes, fair skin, and semimuscular build and handsome face scuttled towards Quth'thkareph and she scuttled towards him. He wore eyeglasses and a soldier's uniform and his scorpion half was covered in plated scales.

"Kith'nxepris!" Quth'thkareph cried, "I thought I lost you!"

"Now I'm back," the male scorpion soldier replied, "and I missed you so much."

"Kith'nxepris," Q-Tip replied, "the prophecy's over. I laid my sister to rest."

"I know," Kith'nxepris replied, "and we can finally be together, but first we must help your friends reclaim MTP, if I heard right."

He then announced to all the soldiers,
"Comrades, we have fallen on bad terms with our leaders under the hypnosis of the fuzzy ones. If it were not for Emperor Varricon and Empress Mavinde of MetroTopiaPolis, we would not be cured from our hypnosis. In return, we must lay down our lives once more and aid them as they retake the city which is rightfully theirs. And perhaps, let this act also be a fitting apology to our leaders and our people, whom we betrayed while under the influence of a higher spirit. Myrmidonians, Scorpion People, who's with me?"

All at once the soldiers cheered; their morale had been restored and they were ready for battle once more. "You chose the right man to be your king, Q-Tip," Targon commented, "He makes a fine speech."

Well we have the back-up, Paulina signed, All we need now is...

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