Noxious Noxus

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Concorde, Illoaide, and Marie reappeared inside the atrium of the Institute of War, where the rest of the gang were waiting for them.

"What happened?" Cole said, "We were supposed to leave for Noxus ten minutes ago!" "Well, the three of us took a little detour to the City of Piltover to see Heimer's funeral," Concorde replied, "but alas, Piltover got too snowy, and Lissandra's on our tail."

"Well, we must go now. The City of Noxus awaits us," the young summoner announced, and all of them went to the vans.


They reached the Capital City of Noxus in less than three hours. The sky above was a dark purple, and there was a glowing Noxus insignia in the sky and behind it a purple hourglass.

The capital city was like a ghost metropolis, but the buildings were ruined, lights were quite dim, the streets were paved with dirt and dried blood, and the alleyways were very very dark.
Ravens flew overhead, and spiders, both clear red and fuzzy purple, kept scuttling around the place.

"Sure seems like a fancy place to be welcomed," Targon noted. "Keep your eyes peeled," Kith'nxepris announced, "Noxus is home to thousands upon thousands of assassins waiting to seize power. Protect your queen, Targon, if she dies by the blade, so will your child." "Of course, I will. She is all I have," Targon replied, "Just look at her sleep innocently. I may never see a face like that again."

"I get the feeling we're being followed," Quth'thkareph said. "Spellcasters, be ready," Varblah commanded. "The air's not right here," Mako added. "Marie, I'll protect you," Jack said before turning into a sword.

Suddenly, red liquid splattered on Jascisce's window and started to eat away the glass really quickly. A very small drop of it landed on her hand, and she yelped in pain loudly, and everyone was thrown into a panic and escaped the dissolving van.

"Why do I get the feeling that it's not over yet?" Concorde asked. Suddenly, murders of black ravens flew towards the thirteen, enveloping them inside. All the spellcasters, Kith'nxepris, Marie and Jack hacked, slashed, and casted spells on the birds while Jascisce, the two silkmoth people, and Myrrah stayed inside them. However, as one raven died, another full murder sprang up in its place.

Meanwhile, red and purple spiders swarmed from the ground and began to attack the spellcasters from below, nibbling at chitin and clothing and making a hole inside so that they could bite their prey. Thus, all the spellcasters (read: Concorde, Illoaide, Mako, Varblah, Quth'thkareph, and Targon), Kith'nxepris, and Marie and Jack dealt with the birds in the air and the spiders below, hacking, slashing, casting spells, and squashing the spiders below (because they were evil). However, just like the ravens, killing a spider means letting another swarm spring up in its place.

Just then, Concorde and Illoaide saw two beings behind the mass of ravens: a middle aged man wearing purple cloaks and garbs and holding a cane, and a drider with white hair, fair skin, black spider half, and red features and markings.

"Elise!" Illoaide cried out, but the drider outside the circle of birds didn't hear. She was simply watching their torture. "Elise, snap out of it!" Concorde cried out as well, "This is not you!"

Yet the Spider Queen remained silent and impassive, and then she did a backflip. Seconds later, caustic red liquid hit the faces of both elves, and sent them tumbling to the floor. They covered their faces, which were now searing with pain, the liquid now eating the skin. Suddenly, spiders bit their limbs and they fell unconscious.

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