New Year's Eve

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Four days have elapsed since the thirteen went back from the trip. Concorde and Illoaide were busy playing TerrariaScapecraft in their respective laptops.

"What if I give you a Legendary Evangelium Sword? It's your birthday today after all!" Illoaide replied. She clicked a few times, and her drider character (a pixelated version of her) made a silvery white sword on a silvery white anvil. Then it went to an imp tinkerer to tinker the sword. After spending 50 Evangelium coins, she motioned for her character to go to Concorde's character (a pixelated version of him) and dragged the sword from her inventory into his.

"Thank you!" Concorde replied, "and as for your birthday gift, I will give you a Legendary Aether Staff. I had to save the Angelic Staff and the Demonic Staff along with 30 Evangelium Bars to craft it and tinker it at the imp's." He dragged the white staff from his character's inventory to her character's inventory. "Thanks a bunch," Illoaide replied, "You want to kill Mongel again? I still have three Aether Symbols." "Sure!" Concorde replied.

Just then, Elise, Lux, Ezreal, Marie, Jack, and Jascisce entered the game room with their tablets and laptops. "Hey!" Jascisce exclaimed, "Don't forget us!" "Well, you're just in time!" Illoaide replied, "Connect to the WiFi ASAP. The map's name is The Map of Everybody." "Oh yeah!" Marie replied, "Ezreal, Lux, and Elise play TRC also."

"Lux and I each have a Legendary Aether Staff and a Legendary Evangelium Sword between us," Ezreal added, "and Elise here is just a beginner, having created a drider character like Marie and Illoaide."

"Alright!" Concorde replied, "We'll help Elise suit up, and then we fight."

With everyone connected to the map, the eight all prepared to attack Mongel, the half-demon half-angel endgame boss in the game.


Hours later, the thirteen, along with Lux, Ezreal, and the two Fox Sisters went to the coastline of MTP. Sona was spinning the beat, along with Mako and Varblah.

"It's a good thing you came here," Myrrah said, "The New Year celebration here is quite extravagant and festive." "They always do this," Targon added, "and LowerPolis and MetroTopiaPolis always cooperate, thereby making each festival better than the last."


Meanwhile, back at Concorde and Illoaide's place, the two couples were noticing the night sky.

"It's such a beautiful night sky," Lolth commented, "I wish my daughter were here to see this."

"Lolth," Vai replied, "the night sky never changes, even with its beautiful stars. I'm sure your daughter is out there with my son, watching the night sky as well."

"Indeed," Lazmondias added, "Did you know that they are at MetroTopiaPolis right now with all their friends?"

"It's their first time spending New Year's Eve away from us," Corellon Larethian said, "I hope they are all safe, which reminds me, does the prophecy still hold?"

"It does," Lolth replied, "but on a more subtle level." "Hmm," Corellon replied.

Suddenly the elder Victor appeared and asked, "How are they?" "Fine," Corellon Larethian replied, "Hey Victor! Heard about Marie and Jack. They're fine as well."

"I do agree with them," Victor replied, "As long as the business stands, they're fine. It's a good thing the Mistress was defeated, but I sense something not right, something worse than the Mistress herself."

"I know you do," Corellon replied, "we all do, but this is a time for celebration, Victor. It is New Year's Eve." "Well, we could put it behind for now," the vampire butler replied.

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