Chapter 7

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Bella's POV
I picked up my phone and I had just received a text from....
"Who texted you?" Jazzy asked.
"Char-Charlie." I said. Jasper looked straight at me. "How'd he get your number and what'd he say!?" Jasper growled.
Only Jasper, Char, Peter, and Tresa know know what Charlie did to me. He did it to Tresa too. He left us when we were very young. We were too young to know how to take care of our selves. He ran off with this girl named Victoria. She and him are mates. She changed him into a vampire and convinced him to run away while we were gone. And we have been on our own since then. It's been rough. Then, we met Jasper, Char, and Peter and everything changed.
"He said, 'Hello, my sweet daughters Bella, and Tresa. How have you guys been? Victoria and I have been keeping tabs on you. We know where you are. Victoria wants you. And The Cullen's. Be on the look out for company. Bye.
Charlie'." I told Jasper. He hugged me. "Everything will be okay. He left you guys when you were gone. To be with Victoria. She won't take any of us. We'll take care of her." Jazzy said and kissed my forehead.
My and Tresa's mom got killed. She got killed by a vampire when we were young. Charlie was suppose to take care of us, but you know. He left with Victoria.
When The Cullen's got back, Jasper looked and Peter, Char, and Tresa and they knew something was wrong. Jasper gave them my phone and they read the text from Charlie. Tresa's mouth dropped. Edward ran to her side. "What is it?" So Tresa and I explained it all to them. "And only Jasper, Peter, & Char knew about it. Until now." Tresa said and I let them all read the text from Charlie. "How old were you guys when he left?" Esme asked.
"Well, I'm about a year older than Tresa so, I was probably about 4 or 5 maybe as Tresa was about maybe 3 or 4." I said. Esme shook her head.
"I can't believe he left you guys just to be with Victoria because she MADE him!!" Edward growled.
Tresa calmed him down by giving him a kiss and saying "It's fine. We made it."
Carlisle said, "Well everyone, we need to look out for Charlie and Victoria then...." Everyone nodded.
The twins could be born anytime this week. And its Wednesday so they could be born anytime and we have Charlie and Victoria looking for us. Wow. I don't need this. I laid my head on Jaspers shoulder and drifted to sleep.
About 2 hours later....
I woke up in me and Jaspers queen size bed. I don't remember coming up here. I looked around the room and I seen Jasper sitting in the rocking chair we have. He was reading a book and looked up. "Hey darlin'. Sleep well?" He asked. I nodded. "What time is it?" I asked.
"8:30 pm." He said and I nodded and got up. He rushed to my side. Of course. "I love that you want to help, Jazzy. But, I think I got this." I said but he didn't move. He had his arm wrapped around me and grabbed my hand and held it. "I know Bella. But, I want to help. I want to make sure you're okay. I love you, darlin'." Jasper said. I smiled. "I love you too." I said.
As we were walking into the living room, my back started hurting. I screamed at the ache of pain. "Bella?" Everyone rushed to my side. I started to fall. Jasper caught me and Carlisle said for him to take me to his medical room and Jasper did. He put me on the medical bed and Carlisle checked me out. "Yep. Get Alice and Esme up here. They can handle control the most. Tell the rest to block all the doors and stuff. The babies are coming." Carlisle said. And I did what he said. Alice and Esme were up here in less than 5 seconds. Carlisle told Bella to push. She pushed. And pushed. And pushed. But, they were strong.
Finally one came out. It was Izzy. The girl. Soon came Ezzen. The boy. Bella held them both. "Hi my babies. Izzy & E-Ezzen...." Bella slowly said.
"Jasper! Change her now! She doesn't have much time!" Carlisle yelled and I did. I bit her. I bit her neck. Down her arms. On her legs. And Carlisle told me to give it time. So, we all walked out of the room. Esme and Alice got her new clothes. We cleaned her arms, legs, and neck off and they put her tank top on. It was a purple tank top. Then they put one of Bella's favorite short black leather jackets on her. They put a pair of faded blue skinny jeans on her and her black converse. They brushed her hair out and put make up on her and we left.
I walked into Izzy's room. I got her clothes that Bella had laid out forever. It was a pink wunzzy that said, Daddy's Little Princess. I gave it to Esme. She brought her to the bathroom to clean her off and get her dressed. Then, I walked into Ezzen's room. Bella had laid clothes out for him too. It was a blue wunzzy that said, Mommy's Little Prince. I gave it to Alice and she went to the bathroom to clean him off too.
When they were done, they walked downstairs to the rest of the family and set them in their little beds we bought. They were bouncy beds they can sit in, sleep in, and play in. They both fell asleep. Just three days to go....then, you'll meet your mommy. I thought. Edward looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.
I walked upstairs to Check on Bella. She was....awake? "Hey." Bella said and everyone was up here in less than a second. "Hi." Everyone said. I smiled. Bella smiled back. "How is she awake after....not even one day?" Emmett asked.
"I really don't know. I think it might be that she's a quick developer maybe. And she turned faster than usual." Carlisle said.
"Oh well. I'm just glad that she's here." I said and walked to Bella. She was sitting on the bed. "My throat burns." She said while feeling her throat.
"Take her hunting." Esme said. I nodded and we ran into the woods.
Bella got a deer and a mountain lion. I decided to hunt also so I got a bear. She was a pro. She didn't get a drop of blood anywhere. Wow.
We headed back to the house. We walked in the house and Bella said, "Izzy. Ezzen. Where are they?" So, Alice and Rose brought them out. Bella smiled. "They' beautiful....and, it's only been a day?" Bella said.
"They're aging and development is incredibly fast." Carlisle said.
"Has anyone heard anything?" Bella asked.
"About?" Emmett asked.
"Charlie, Victoria?" Bella asked.
"They were around but we ran them off while you were changing." Jasper said. "Edward stayed here and made sure they didn't come here."
"Oh. Okay. I-" Bella was cut off by a knock on the door.
"Who could that be?" Carlisle asked.
"DON'T OPEN IT!" Alice and Edward screamed. "Charlie and Victoria are out there."
Everyone gasped. And so Bella said, "Take Izzy and Ezzen upstairs. Please Rose?"
"Yeah." Rose said. Emmett followed her. In case they go upstairs.
Charlie banged on the door. Victoria was behind him. He pushed the door down and ran in. "Well, look what we have here. Bella and Tresa. My lovely daughters. Longtime, no-see." Charlie said. Victoria smiled a wicked grin.
"What do you guys want?" I asked.
Victoria grinned, "You gone. Jasper and them took my former mate, and so, I'm going to take his."
"Wow Charlie. You'd do this? To your two daughters!?" I yelled.
"She never said the two. She just said you. Tresa never did anything."
"But I'm not letting you kill my sister!" Tresa said.
Victoria chuckled and she said, "We'll see." She lunged for me. Edward ran and got Charlie because he lunged for Tresa. Jasper and I ran for Victoria. Somehow, we broke through the walls and took this fight outside with more room. Jasper climbed a tree and jumped on Victoria's back. He was holding her neck. She was trying to get him to let go but I ran and I lunged for her. Easy to say, I lunged on her, she fell, we got her on her knees and we pulled off her arms and neck. And we put her in a fire. Bye bye Victoria. Alice and Edward did the same to Charlie. He went in the fire too. Well, that's nothing to worry about now. Victoria and Charlie's gone.
We all walked back into the house. "My house!" Esme shouted. She hugged Carlisle. This house was a mess. "We'll all clean it." I said. Jasper walked up to me, "Bella, I'm so very sorry about all of what happened. Same for you Tresa."
She smiled and walked to Edward. "It's okay. It's not your fault." We both said.
A couple minutes later, we were done cleaning up. "Okay so, the babies are born, you're a vampire now, you're able to control your thirst, Jasper proposed to you awhile back ago before he left for war, when are you guys going to get married?" Charlotte asked. We looked at each other.
"I guess that got pushed back when Charlie and Victoria came. Now that they're gone, we should discuss it." Jasper said. "Bella, guys, when do you think we should get married?"
"Today is Wednesday, how about next Wednesday? We can have everything ready by then and send out invitations." Alice said.
"That'll work. Let's start planning!" Rose said, excited.

Alice's POV

"Okay. Carlisle, can you do the invitations?"
He nodded. "Okay. Edward and Tresa, handle the food, Esme, could you go get us all dresses and bring Bella to get a dress? And get the guys suits?" I asked.
"Of course. Let's go sweetie." Esme said. And her and Bella left to go get dresses, suits, and a wedding dress. Edward and Tresa have food duty. Carlisle has the invitations. What do we do?
"Jasper and Emmett, you'll set up the benches and stuff. We're having the wedding out by the garden." I said.
"Rose, you can help us with all the decor, or help Carlisle and stuff. But first, we have to feed Izzy and Ezzen." She nodded.
We fed the babies and put them back to sleep.
Rose is helping Carlisle for right now.
We set up the benches. They were smoothly made of logs Emmett found, we put flowers on the trees behind, on the sides and in front of all of us as a flowery scenery. We are putting down a red carpet for Bella and the bridesmaids to walk on, we bought a big alter for them to stand on and they'll have a big white arch behind them with the flowers I had seen in my vision. They'll be white and pink roses. It will be beautiful.

Bella and Esme came back and we all went inside to see what the clothes look like. The dress for Rose, Tresa and I were white, knee-length dresses with a pink belt around the waist, and a small white rose on the belt. Then, we have white flats. Esme's doing our make-up and hair. Then, we have to do Bella's hair and make-up on the wedding day. Esme has a plain, white, knee-length dress with white flats.

The guys (Edward, Jake, and Emmett) have a black tux with a white long sleeved shirt going under there tuxes, with black dress shoes. Carlisle just has black dress pants and a black, long sleeved shirt.

"We're going to look SMOKIN'!" I said and we all burst out laughing. "Nobody can see Bella's dress until the wedding except Esme, Rose, Tresa, and I."

"That means I can't wear it around pretending to be Bella?" Emmett asked, pouting. I giggled.

"No Em. You silly big teddy bear. It's Bella's!" I said.

"FINE!" He pouted. We all laughed at him.

"I'm going to go up to mine and Jasper's room and spend time with Izzy and Ezzen with him." Bella said and her and Jasper went up to them room.
Jasper's POV
"I'm so happy that we have children. They're not hybrid either. They're full human." I said.
"Hybrid?" Bella asked.
"Yes, hybrid. It's like a half- vampire, half-human child. There's very few in the world. Most people will think it's an immortal child." I said and explained to Bella about the immortal children. How they can't control themselves and won't listen.
"Well, our children are full human. They have brown eyes, like mine were, and your color of hair." Bella said.
"I know sweetie." I said and we put Ezzen and Izzy to sleep after about an hour and we headed to our room to watch movies and be together. "How does it feel? Being a vampire now? Livibg eternity with my famiky and I? Or should I say, our family?" Jasper asked me.
"It feels amazing. To be able to run like you, I've always wanted to be abke to run like this. And ti get to live eternity with our family." I said.
"I know sweetie. But you di realize, we'll have to change Ezzen and Izzy when they get the age of at least 14 or 15. That's when it's safe to turn them." Jasper said.
"What?" I asked.

Hey everyone. I realize that tbjs isn't my best chapter but bare with me. Lol. But chapter 8 will have sone confusions and talks.

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