Chapter 3: Reunited

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Finally we made it to Forks. It is now 5:00 p.m. Driving takes awhile. Espescially when you have to stop to sleep. We left Saturday and it took us two whole days just to get here, it's Monday now, So now, we are gonna go move into a house in the woods. It's a big and open house. We actually have neighbors. Maybe we should go over and introduce oursleves after we unpack.

We made it to the house. About an hour later we were done packing. We went to the store and got some food and then we came back home. "Wanna go to the neighbors and introduce oursleves?" I asked.

"Maybe tomorrow. I'm tired. It's been a long day." Tresa said.

"Yeah. You're right. We'll introduce ourselves tomorrow." I said and Tresa and I went to bed.


Well, it has been about three days since we've joined the Cullen Clan. We actually have neighbors. They're humans. We can smell them. They do smell good. But, not like eating good, like, they smell familiar. Like, I know what the scent of them is. I think one of them smell like honey suckels. That's what My Bella always smelled like. Then, the other smells like strawberrys. That's what Tresa always smelled like. But, that cannot be them, can it?

I put that thought behind my head. I walked up to my room. I shut the door and fell on my bed. "I miss my Bella!!!!" I said. Then, Alice knocked on the door. I said, "What Alice?"

"Can I come in?"

"I guess. Come in." I said and she came in. "What'd you need?"

"We're all going hunting, if you wanna come. Also, there's a new family moving in the next house. They will be our neighbors and they are human." Alice said.

"Ok. I'll go hunting. And I already knew about them. Their here already!!" I said and we left to go hunting.

I got a deer and a mountain lion. Char and Peter got two mountain lions each. We ran back to the house. On our way back to the house, we ran into another big, open house. "That must be the neighbor's house. They're human!" Char said. Her eyes were turning red. Uh-oh. I yelled for Carlisle. Char started running up to the house. We all ran after her. Alice went inside the house to warn the humans to go up stairs. Then, we'll explain. Emmett and I grabbed Char's arms while Peter was trying to calm her down. "Why can she control herself in public but, not here?" I asked.

"Well Jazz, these humans have the most mouth-watering scent I've ever smelled!!!!" Carlisle said.

Alice ran into the house. "Hey! Who are you and why did you just burst in through my door!" A similar voice yelled.

"What is going on?" Another different but similar voice said calmly. "Who are you?" It sounded like...Bella! I ran up to the house and I walked in and seen My Bella!

Bella seen me and she started crying. I walked up to her and hugged her. "Shh Bella. It's okay. I'm fine. But...we all have to tell you what happened so just sit down and listen." I said and Bella nodded. Bella and Tresa sat down. I started to tell them what happened...

After Jasper's done telling them what had happened...

"And so, we was out hunting animals because were we're vegan vampires, we heard you guys and also, Char ran up here."

"Oh Jazzy! We've missed you, Peter and Charlotte! I am pregnant."

"We got your note."

"Would you guys like to sell this house and come live with us in our house?" Carlisle asked.

"Sure. We need to pack and stuff and we could just tear down this house or use it for storage."

"Ok. Jasper, Emmett and Edward, help them."

Once they were done packing, they decided to use it for storage. "I'm so happy to be back in your arms again, Jazzy!"
"Me too, Bells! So, have you picked out names for the baby-" Bella cut him off.
"You mean, babies!" I smiled.
"Yes. Have you picked out names yet?"
"No. I was waiting until we found you, what should we name them? I'm having a boy and a girl!"
"The girl should be named, Izzy. And the boy should be named, Ezzen. What do you think?" I said.
"I like them!! But, let's go see what the family says!" Bella said.
Bella and I walked downstairs. "Did you guys hear the names?" I asked.
"Yes! And we all talked about them! We love them!!" Esme said.
"Great!" Bella said.
Bella and I went up to our room and Bella fell asleep. I laid their beside her, thinking, 'I'm gonna be a father of a baby boy and girl. Twins. I can't wait!"

That's the end of chapter 3: reunited!! Hope y'all liked it!! i'll try to update sooner!! i have had a lot of things to do!! but i'll try to update sooner!!

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