Chapter 2: Escaping

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This chapter is gonna start out at war then switch to Forks. Ok. Hope y'all like it!
At war...

I miss my Bella. I can't wait to finally see her! Thanksgiving isn't far away!

"Major Whitlock, sir?" My Captain, my brother, Peter asked.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Bells sent ya a letta." Peter said, giving me the letter.

I took it. I opened it and read it, aloud, to Peter and Charlotte, his wife.


Tresa and I miss you guys so much! How are ya guys doin'? We're doin' okay but we miss you guys! So much! But, remember before you left you asked me to be your wife and I said yes and then, we 'talked'. Yeah well, I'm having twins! A boy and a girl. I'm not making any names until you get home! I love and miss you! And Char and Peter too! Can't wait to finally see you after a while!



"I'm gonna be a father!" I said. Char was about to cry. "I'm gonna write her back." I said.

I wrote,


We miss ya guys to! I'm so happy we are getting married and we'll be parents! I can't wait to see ya guys too! None of us can wait! Love and miss ya too!



"There. I wrote her a letta back. Send this to her, Charlotte." I said. She took it to the mail boxes. "Uh Major?" Lutinet Jim asked.

"Yeah Jim?"

"You and Captain Peter and Charlotte need to all go to the lake way out there. There's a boat with food. They said send your three best fighters." Jim said.

"Alright. You keep everyone on line and try to keep them alive until we get back!" I said. Jim nodded.

Char, Peter and I left to go to the lake for food. Didn't we just go get food yesterday? O-well. Maybe we ran out.

Once we got to the lake it was 6:30 p.m. There was no boat. Jim lied or someone lied. Then, three girls and a guy walked up to us. "Hello sir. Who are you?" A girl with long brown hair, pale skin and red eyes asked. Who in the heck has red eyes? I've never heard of someone having red eyes but, all four of them do! "I am Major Jasper Whitlock ma'am. This here is my Captain, my brother, Peter and his wife, Charlotte. Who are you guys?" I asked.

"Well Major, I am Maria. This is my sister, Annabell and my other sister, Cynthia. This boy is my little brother, Calib." Maria said.

"Were you guys the ones who called us and gave us food? We're here to get the food." I said. Annabell and Cynthia just laughed. "We did call. Annabell and Cynthia told me to call and get the three most best fighters in war. I guess that is you three?" Maria asked.

We nodded.

"So, you guys don't have food?" Peter asked. They shook their heads no. "Then why did y'all call for the three most best fighters?" Charlotte asked.

"Because. We want you in our army!" Maria said and...she bit us! She bit me, then Peter and then Charlotte. We all screamed and screamed!

It felt like I was burning. My throat, it hurt. " us?" I asked.

"Don't worry Darlin'. It'll be over in about, two days. And all we did was change you into vampires. Nothing major!" Maria said, laughing.
In this story, Maria has the power of love! She can make you love or hate anyone your around! She makes Jasper fall for her but jasper remembers he has bella and she and him will be getting married!!!! See what happens!!!

Two days later...

The burning is fading. Oh good! Wait, what? I'm a vampire? But, I can't go back to war like this! I'll hurt everyone! Also, my Bella! She's probably at home worrying about me! Today is the day we all go home! I'm already hating it here with Maria and her family!
(Maria puts a spell on Jasper now!) Wait! I don't hate Maria! I...I think I like her! What! No! I cannot like Maria! I'm gonna be a married man here soon! And, a father! "Major?" Peter asked.

"Yeah?" I asked. He pointed over to Maria. She was wanting me to follow her. I did. "Jasper, do you like me?" She asked.

"Um. Yes ma'am, as a friend, but-" She cut me off.

"But what?" She asked, looking angry.

"But, I have a fianceé and I will be gettin' married soon and I'm gonna be a father also, so, you should really let me and Peter and Charlotte leave. We'll take out your whole army!" I said. She just laughed.

"Oh Jasper. Okay, we'll see. Um. Do you feel like you can ever love me?"

"Of course not! You are a stupid vampire that just wants to take over Texas! How could I love you! I have Bella! My Bella! That's all I need! Now, as you may excuse me, I'll be leavin' now!" I said. She grabbed my arm and spun me around. "Where do you think you are goin'" Maria asked.

"Peter, Charlotte and I are leavin'" I said and pulled my arm from her. I ran back to Peter and Char as fast as I could. Where'd they go?

I heard Maria, "Jasper, Jasper, Jasper. They went to the barn with Calib, Annabell and Cynthia. I have the power of love. I can make anyone around me love or hate anyone around them. Calib has no power. Annabell can make you do anything, only if you look into her eyes. Cynthia has no power. They looked into Annabell's eyes." I gasped.

"We will leave! Sooner or later!" I said. She laughed. She walked up to me and whispered in my ear, "Try."

I glared at Maria. "Ok. Watch us! We will escape!" I told her.

"Yeah? I'll have a soldier blocking every door way." Maria said.

About two hours later...

It's 8:30 p.m and we're leaving. We walked to the back door way. There was three soldiers blocking the door. Gladly, they were in my army. I told them to move and they did. "Do not tell Maria or anyone!" I said, in my Major voice.

"Okay Major." They said. We walked out to our horses and left.

"Where are we gonna go?"

"Forks, Washington. We should be there by tomorrow afternoon, if we go into the woods and run. The only way we can survive is if we drink our horses blood. I'm not drinking human blood. I have the power of emotions. I can control and manipulate emotions and I'm not killing humans and feeling their feelings."

"Ok. We'll drink animal blood. Also, our eyes won't be red, they will be a brownish color." Peter said. We nodded.
Tomorrow at 1:30 p.m

We finally made it to Forks. We're in the woods. We were running. We ran to a big, white, open house. We smelled vampires. "Let's knock on the door." I said. We knocked and a guy with blonde hair, in his late twenties and inhumanly handsome opened the door. "Hello. You guys must be the three soldiers my daughter seen in her visions. Come in." He said. "I am Carlisle. This is my mate/wife Esme. Alice and Edward, they're dating but we don't know if they're mates. Emmett and his mate/wife Rose. We're the Cullens." Carlisle said. "Tell us about you guys. What is your guys' stories?" So, we told them our stories and our powers and they told us their stories and powers. Alice can see the future based on decisions. Edward can read minds. Emmett is really strong.

"Well, would you three like to be apart of our coven/family?" Esme asked. We nodded, "yes ma'am." I said.

That was chapter two! Hope y'all liked it!

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