Chapter Thirteen

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The new year came and passed. Everyone got back into their class routine. Hermione was as usual ahead in all her classes but still refused to miss a single lesson. Ron was still begging Hermione to do his homework for him. Harry however was trying extremely hard in his classes which was shocking all the professors and Hermione.

It was almost midnight when Hermione returned. Harry was reading his herbology book when Hermione walked into the common room after studying in the library.

"Where the hell have you been?" Ron all but attacked her.

"Studying in the library of course." She held up at least five huge books. "Harry why are you reading?"

She immediately realized how rude that sounded.
"I only mean to ask why you've been taking everything so very seriously lately."

Harry looked up from his book. "Because Hermione I really want to do better in school. I used to be so worried about Voldemort but now I don't have to. It's actually pleasant."

This was half true. He did enjoy not having to worry about Voldemort attacking at any given moment, but he also wanted to best Draco in at least one of their N.E.W.T.S. Draco was smarter than Harry had first thought. He was almost as smart as Hermione was. In fact he had some of highest scores in their year.

"Oh that's good. I'm very proud of you Harry!" Hermione said as she sat next to him on the couch and opened up her own herbology book.
"Want to quiz each other?"

"Er..." Harry began but Ron interupted him

"Come on what's with all the studying!" Ron closed his own book and set down his quill. "I'm going to sleep."

With that Ron hastily shoved his books into his bag and marched off to bed. Harry decided to do the same and even Hermione was content with the amount of study time they had managed.


Harry woke up early Saturday morning. He was glad to have the weekend off. School was becoming increasingly harder especially with Hermione constantly breathing down his neck. She was a great friend but Harry couldn't help but feel she was pushing the boys way to hard to pass their N.E.W.T.S.

He groggily got dressed and walked down to the common room. Only a handful of people were awake in the early hours of the morning. There were three girls in first year reading, and two boys in fifth year talking about quidditch. Harry seemed to be the only one to notice Hermione slipped through the portrait and into the common room.

"Library again?" Harry asked as he pulled on a sweater.

"Yeah." Hermione responded. "Ron awake yet?"

Harry could hardly hold back a yawn "What do you suppose?"

Heroine giggled at that and the two set out for breakfast.

"Have you really been to the library?" Harry asked as they walked to the great hall.

"Of course I have." Hermione sounded defensive.

Harry quickly mumbled an apology and the subject was forgotten. Although Harry couldn't help but wonder where his friend kept sneaking out to. He also knew however, not to press the subject. As the two were finishing up breakfast Draco strolled over the the Griffindor table.

"Fancy playing a game of makeshift quidditch?" He whispered over Harry's shoulder and into his ear.

Harry looked at Hermione as if asking approval and nodded. Harry noticed a small group of students who it looked were deciding to play as well.

"Hermione you're welcome to play too." Draco offered half-heartedly.

Hermione made a face and politely declined. She was no good at quidditch. Nor did she care to learn to play. She did decide to follow them to the quidditch pitch to watch.

Ginny ran up to the group just as they were about to start the match.

"Hey! Who's playing quidditch without me!" Ginny shouted at the now airborne players.

"Sorry Ginny we didn't think to invite you!" Harry shouted back. He landed his broom in front of her as did the other players.

Ginny was added into the game. They played for about an hour. Soon people had heard of the makeshift quidditch match. Students of all ages and houses were sitting down to watch the game.

Draco who was seeker for one team and Harry seeker for the other spotted the golden snitch about an hour and a half into the match. All at once both boys darted towards the blur of golden light.

The crowd began to cheer for both teams as the seekers chased the snitch at rapid speeds. Draco ended up catching the snitch and his team won by a landslide.

As the teams soared around the pitch a little longer Draco and Harry landed safely in the middle of the pitch.

"Good game." Harry gave Draco a peck on the lips. "But I let you catch the snitch."

"Oh yeah?" Draco teased and held out the snitch once more. It flew off and quickly became unnoticeable. "Rematch?"

Harry mounted his broom and the two proceeded to chase each other around the pitch. This time Harry was first to spot the snitch. This ended up proving no advantage as Draco once again caught the snitch.

"What do you think Potter?" Draco said as he dismounted his broom.

"I think..." Said Harry "that we are the only ones out here."

Draco and Harry looked around as if barely noticing that the entire crowd had cleared out. Draco laughed a little. He pressed his lips to the Griffindor's still smiling.

"You're perfect Harry Potter. He said as he pulled his lips away from Harry's. Harry looked touched until Draco added "even if you can't manage to catch a snitch."

"Oh just shut up and kiss me." Harry responded and pulled Draco into another passionate kiss.

The sky was lightening up. The sun had risen directly above the two lovers.

Harry pulled Draco even closer to him. He could feel his body getting excited. Draco could feel it too.

"Wow Harry" Draco teased. He pressed himself agaisnt Harry as he passionately kissed his soft lips.

Draco pressed him against the wall of the pitch and began to kiss his neck. Harry let out a heavy breath. Harry moved his hands. Running his fingers through Draco's platinum blonde hair. He moved his other hand to Draco's waist lightly touching the skin above the seams of his pants.

"Draco I want you. I want this. I want us" Harry whispered in Draco's ear.

Draco planted a few more kissed on Harry's lips "Not yet Harry. I want it to be special. And worth it." He stepped away from Harry admiring the love marks he had left up and down Harry's neck.

"This is special" Harry argued. But he respected Draco's decision and left it alone.

"Lunch?" Harry smirked.

"Lunch." Draco confirmed. The two headed back to the castle.

The rest of the day was spent inside the castle. Harry, Ron, and Draco had joined Hermione in the library to study and complete as much of their homework as they could. Needless to say that sunny Saturday in the middle of January had been an uneventful but an enjoyable Saturday to remember. If only everything could remain that way forever.

Sorry for the slow updates! I just didn't want to make a chapter that was boring and just because I hadn't updated in a while. Hope you enjoyed it! Also leave a comment saying where you think Hermione has been going. Is she really sneaking off to the library or somewhere else?

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